Waim'ette students among the SINDIAN TRAIL SuNDAY -NIGHT TEA Served from 6 t. 8 p. m. A SOUTHEAN Dif»XILIQIKT~ -nei. u 4l111l William H. SmytlieJir., 43 Kenil- worth avenue, Kenilworth, returned Wednesday. frorn Purdue and left again to go to Portage Point, Mich. where his farnjly have 'their su. e home*- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sanford Clarke and their. son, Sauford, 526 Washington avenue, motored to1 Min- neapolis over Memorial day to visit, Mrs..,Clarke'ý sister, Mrs. H.. H. Iaber. ween tovtur. Arthur Woltfe Randolph Wl?, or 1313 cetra Avenue, Phute Wilmeute q» Among the citations wbich cern- prised. the lesson-sermon was the1 following from the. Bible:.<'For the word of God is quick, -,nd ýpowerful, and sharper- than any two-edged swQýrd, piercing even te the dividing asunder of1 seul ýand spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a dis-' cerner of the-thougbits and intents of ýthe heart" (Hebrews 4:12). The, lesson-sermon aiso included, the foillow,*ngpassag Ies from the Christian Science. textbook,. "Science and Hlealth with Key, to the. Scrip- tures,"t by- Mary Baker Eddy:, "Ail we correctly know of Spirit cornes fromn God, divine Principle,, and is learned' through Christ'and Christian Science. Iftbis Science has been thoroughly learnied and properly di- gested, we can knoôw the truth more accurately than the'astronomer can read the stars or calculate an eclipse. This Mixd-reading is the opposite of clairvoyance. It is the illumination of the spiritual understanding wbich demonstrates. the capacity cf Soul,1 neot of material, sense"I (p. 84). Josepl road, Kt a ten-da Gordon- of Dulu Feu Follet ...... ............ Rogers Prelude B mnajor........Coi Puck .............. . ....Gre Helen Kaempfer Gre Pastoral Dance ........... ... German Marion WoolhIserý Adieu.................... Beethoven Stephen Rothermnel* Frot Elves...................... Griçg ...Esther Doris Leech The 'Contented Thrush .......... Jcese Dick Greenberg, March of the Wee Folk....... Gaynor Lucy: Palmer The Scare Crow... ............ Erb, Wntry Winde . ..... .Lemnt Anne Perkins Ilinuet F major '.Mzar John McNlît Prelude A major ....... Chopin Patty. Perklne Spanish CarnIval .......HIatch Virginla Marsh, Andnte Gacoso.......Mozart RobertFael Lulaby ... . . . . ...... ~ - e Dorthea Hnckley La Marseillaise ............ Donaldd Risk W atz... .. .... ... . Loulise Snyder....o Albumieat -.. *.............. Beethoven 47e1 DnceGraoe Vaughan Wah Jean Persson Minuet G major .....nde; . Beethoven Solfegietto.............. .... Bacéh CÇarol Hill . i m n 'hine Farley. 300 Abbotsford Bobriegt :enilworth, have returned from Hindu Charmer........ ...,Niemann ýay motor trip east. Margaret DneLouise Copthorne, of inntk an BttyCo PaceNegre ... ......Scott cf Wnneka nd BttyCoyLouise Copthorne uhaccompanied her, They Etude G Major....... ...... Chopin i:New Castle, Philadeiphia, Tangck...... orýNorthampton, while ini Jacek Long .Mlau Iphia Josephine stayed with it, she also visited her sister Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy WQodland, nilY, the R. T. Behans at 336 Leicester road, Kenilworth, spent sale, Mass. Mrs. Behan, Meniorial day visiting the * Daniel and Richard returned with her. Peterkins at Lake Geneva, Wis. Ta/k cft/he TOWnII z !OM~J'S -4herom nd ujChgrch-Bvtmstou I I 1607 Shermani EvunstIanI iOb«]EN'S 9.