Uper left: Theseé BVD slackçs corne m Davy,, white and brown.- At 3.50. The shoes in plain colors are 1.95. Striped ones are .2.95. tor, who has tendered her resigna- tion. Her successor is to be an- nouniced shortly. During the past year, because of the condition created by the local: taxing situation, Wilmette public .school, teachers haci no co.ntracts. They.are beinig asked to return nexýt year on the sanie basis. The following letter has been sent, l'y Henry E.- Cutle, president: of. the board of education, to ail members of the faculty:' "'On behait of.the board, of education 1 wish again to express our apprecla- tion, of your loyalty to our schools dur. *Ing the difficuit years through whjch we have just passed. "You are fainillar wth our local tax- lnig situation. Because we are stfili un- able' to qafely estirnate -the amount of tax revenue that will bc available for salaries for the next school year we are asking you to, return for duty at the openlng of sehool ln the fal without the niatter of salaries belng definitely settied. 1' *The board feels that there should be no further réduction and le in hope renough to )ustify the salary increa.ses. j tlmt It feels le due the teachers." Announce Program.,for Northridge Lupçheon *The ýannual June luncheon of the \orthridge Woman's club of Wil-, mette Will be held Monday, june 11, at the Shawnee Country club at 10. o'clock. New officers will be installed at that time and an interesting pro- gram has been planned. Miss Ruth Berseh will play the violin. Mrs. Gevilla Neukranz will play the piano and Miss LibbTon send will read. h on *The program will be as foliows: I Hark, Hark, the Lark .Schubert-mLiszt Persian Son1g...Burnieigter SMrs. Neukranz il Cutting' from Virgiia Xol book "Flush" :.Miss Townsend 111 Air a d Variations DeBeriot A Romance Beethoven Oývertoss Wieniawski Miss Bersch and MIrs. Neukranz aen Eu3ar Au Stevens, lme. YVA N1S T 0N Mrs. George M. Coale, 322 Kenil-, worth avenue, Kenilworth, enter- tained at a. buffet bridge supper Memorial day ini honor of. be.r bus-. 1band's birthday. 4, f