Pridel of Possession-c-a n only b. réalized with the feeling that each piece is absolutely an aufhenfic, antique. Aufhenticity is nover doubt.d by those,who s.ek choice ýold t.reasures from the collection af Tatman's. TATMAN.* Air Cooled Store 777 Churck Street, Evanston SPECIA.L Walk-O)ver'. Ne*.A450. CHIFFONý IOSIERMY SeIfing regudarIy for, 79c DAVIS ST., Evanston GRE Hosiery Sbecil at This Store 4810 Only Il 'I in fis Monocoupe, D. N. I4aux in bis Stinson, AI Gemende in his 0X5 Swallow,. Dr. R. N. Green of jack- sonville, Fia., in his Montooupe, M. C.* Meigs. in a Stinson,,chartered f romn the Chicago. Aviation corpora- tion,,operators of Curtiss field, Dean Owsley in 'his Stinson , Judge Sulli- van iný George Fisher's Stinson and E.. Hall. Taylor in his "ýStar Dust" Travelair. Taylor went to Evans- ville,, md., and stopped on the 'way back' at. Indianapolis to sèe the, fin- ish of the.race. Sky; Harbor airport also was represented, at the. races. Robert Peck, chief mechanic at the airport,Sfew there, in Miss josephine. Patterson's Waco %,ith Pat Hammnili of Lake Forest. Nelsà Sanderga rd Joins the CaterpillarCu N1els Sandergard, who took his flight training, at Curtiss airport, joined the Caterpillar club on Me- morial day when h'e saved bis life by parachute-jumping from bis plane after he was u»able to brnig it out of a spin. Sandergard was practic- ing spins about mid-wvay between Pal-Waukee airport and Lake Zurich. He had tried two successfuily. On the third try he wënt into a spin at a beighit of 7,000 feet. This final tu - miIC Vparachue aid not be- cre tangied in the plane and the Pilot glided to. earth ,%itliott injurv.. Stewardesses Celebrate Their 4th Amnniverslary The one hundred st'ewardesses of Unted Air Lines recently celebrated the fourth anniversary of their Pro- fession, for it was on May .15, 1930, that United employed the first air IPICK up LDaniel Pet ton Sait. company. After considerable discussion tde Wilmette Flying squadron, a unit of the National lIying Clubs associa- tion, finally voted to fly from Sky Harbor airport, permanent ly..> An American Eaglet which the club isý using will be available there to the members. Until -the club. membership Ws large enough 'to maintain a suitable club- room, and, library. in Xilmette, the d owntown clubrooms of the National Flying Clubs association are being used. These are located on the sec- ond ,floor at .309 S. La Salle street.. Chicago, and -are open everv after- noon and evening. :Weekly lectures of instruction forý the entire association membership art given each Thursday evening at about 7.45 p. m. by Captaii Venages, who is considered one of, the hest government licensed ground instruc- tors in the' country., The -present series of talks is of particular inter- est to the beginner. Any yÔung man or woman inter- ested in aviation may attend one of these Thursday..lectures Nwithout. charge as'guests of the club. Exeutives;of Air Lines Are Wilmette: Residents', Three executives of United Air Uines, world's largest air transport system with headquarters located in Chicago, have selected Wilmette for Livmay-s t~ ax uvpartment, resicie in Wilmette withi their families. United Air Lines operates passenger, Imail and express- air service, on theý New' York - Chic ago - Pacific -coast. Chicé.ago - Kansas City, Seattle, - San- Diego and S8ait Lake CityrSeattle airways. Curtiss Has. Parachute- Jumps Every Week-End Parachute. jumps are made every Sunday afternoon atý Curtiss airport - v. ..Ca. PETERKIN ag of the Chi- RERUILDING PLANE ation's Stinson Work is progressing at the Curtiss p froni Curtiss- airport shop on the rebuilding of ý:ansas City to. Frank Casey's Stinson. The shop is in of the .Mor- also building up a Fledgling to .be. used for fiying school purposes., lt