SHELTER The North Shore Garden ceniter. held an organizatiotn meeting last Monday at Winnetka Communit.y House and selected the following members of the executive committee : .Mrs. -Hallett Thorne, president; Mrs. Sidney BaIl, vice-president-, Mrs.. H.' Roberts, secretary.; Mrs. C. S. DeIIongtesrr Mrs. Samuel Me- Caulley, chairman of thé library com- mittee; Mrs. Warren Shoemaker. chairmanl of the publicity comimittee: Mrs. Arthur Sullivan, chairman of. the programn comittee;. Mrs. Grant Ridgàwayv,, cha.irman- of the, finance committee;' and Mrs. Wlilliam Colvin, chairman. of. the. projects. and policy committee., Twelve clubs wer e rep- On t/he Roof During Suburban Store Week BeSure to Visit the' SUMMER 1PLANT INOÇ AND PEONY EXHIBITý arranged by Nelson and Sons I ~ N I Large uuiegationm The Winnetka Garden club, m-hicih sponsors the center, had as its rep>- resèntatives Mrs. Thorne, Mrs. Bal, Mrs. Shoemaker, Mrs. Sullivan, Mrs. McCaulley, and Mrs. Robert Gard- ner. The other clubs which composç the center settthe followirig repre- senitatives:- Keilworth Gardeni club, Mrs. Douglas Flood,, Mrs. Grant Ridgway;. Kenilworth Home and GCarden club, Mrs. Arthur Lindsley, Mrs. Frank Nason; Kenilworth junior Garden club,' Mrs. Otis Heatir, Mrs. Stuyvesant Butler; Lake Forest Gardeni club, Mrs.. Charles DeLong, Mrs. Edward L. Hasler;,gar den de- partment of Winnetka Womaln'. club,. Mrs. W. J. Rankin, Mrs. Al- bert Weary;. ake Bluff Gardeln club, Mrs. G. Jackson, Mrs. .Morris~ Manderv'ille; North« Shore Gardcni club, Mrs. Mary Black, Mrs. Mortoan D*' Cahni; Glencoe G;arden club; Mrs. H. J.. Roberts, Mrs. William Suther- laird;WjImette Garden club, Mis. Frank Scheidenhelm, Mtrs. John Weedoii; Witmette JEveniiig Garden club, Mrs, J. J. Milis; Uincolnwood Garden club (Evanston), Mrs. Da.,idl Williams. By Alfred C. Hotte& Better Hoies and Gardens Editor Although thousands of rockga- dens have been built througbout the United States, 1 predict that mari,, of them will be rebuilt this season, for .each *year there, is a growing ap- preciation ofthe true function of a rock garden. Rock gardens have taken many in- describable forms,.and each: has sati,-, ied the ,desires of the huilder. For' instance, I think -most, people intend to copy nature in- building their.rock gardens, but ýnature is seo Vast that one person! may be- thinkinig of a ledge' of out-cropping rock in New York tate; another may bethinking of a boulder field of Colorado; an- other of atufa-rock formation such as is found in Ohio. Whatever type ofinatural rock gar- den You have in mind you can do no better' than to study nature in her various rnoods as found throughout the world. Without seeming critiral. may 1 point out some of the com mon, errors which we ail makemlhen *We OpnErery Monday irst buil.d rock gardens, so that ýif The North Shore. Garden center vuhv ntbityours. you wil will be open every MQnday, from 10b npre od h work. wel11 for: until 5 iii Community. House, W~iite lttie Ak orself th"s netka, and' service along the. fo1love- questions: ing fines, will be given:.iust as freely ÀAsks Some Questions, to. non-garden-club members as to 1. Is there an adequate background, members: monthly seasonal ex- or does the tiny rock hill have the br oad hibits of flowers; one or more leçc. open SPaes 0f the world or even tures on garden subject appropi-liate garage as a background? 2. If you have a waterfail inyour to thle season; personal. attention býY garden, does it appear to drop natuîralIy the director_. in charge, to garden from a brook with a higher source or problemis and questions on horti- does it appear artificlal, conling out of cultural sub5ects confronting the the elear blue sky? 3. Is your rock garden Placed beneath small home owner; assistance. of a o)verhanging -trees, which cause a. drip librarian for the' study of foreign, of Snow. and ram nthrough the winter,2so historic, and local'gardeins. L t'is wjL that,,thë tiny plants. are àubjected to be a c lea ring.. house of iniformatioin ecs osueadatraefez anidthawing? Do these trees have their for local amateur flower,,.t roots in the *rock garden ,xo that they, garden- ôvners, club progranis, avil:'deprive the rninlature plants oftheir'fulil local exhibits. share of this rnolsture? Proot Cosevaton4. If your, rock garden is Informai, Promoe Cùf*e1ýýt10nhave You followed too stralght line.s, ton Onie'phase of the centcr's work .%ili regujarc urves, ton set designs? bé the promotion of public inter-e:t 5-. Do ,the stata go in the ýwrCng di- in conservation of plants and beautv (Continuedj on. page 5M) spots, i park development, bilI- ,oard menace, gasoline 9tation iln- every body to use this center and provement, anid civic planiting<' gives the foll'owing invitation: 'Conme throtigh exhibits, ptublicity, and demn- and see us and bring your1 gardetu onstrations. puzzles. If we can't lielp you %VC JO-bashel bag $350 throsagh local dealer or direct ATKINS & DURBROW, INC., 2367-A Logan BIvd., Chicago, Illinois Telephone Aruiltage 8842 D)riconure, 8%-bushel bag 01>1W Pat Iloas, 1>builbiS.4 à