Brittie Steak With Hammer Dr. James recehtly, gave. a iquid air demnonstration for the StoIý He did many experi. ments explaining this interesting sub* ject. Liquid air looks like, water witb a' bluish haze around it. -Solid air looàked like -blue ice but feit, vety diffeent. The lecturer showed. us that auto- mobiles could be run, using liquid*,air instead of -gas and oif but that as j;r freezes qickly the, engine would soon stop. L iquid air is used mostly for mnaking oxygen. but it also helps ' in the* procesà of niaking steel and other materi.als. Dr. lames beld a raw: steak ove r a block of solid air. Soon the .steak *wa., so bard that when, bit with a liammer it broke int o many pieces. I am sure that mnaiiy of us .%ill Sce Dr. James again at the World's fair wbere. he is exhibiting in the Hall if Science.-Bud Drake, Stolp XC. Science« Pupils Complet e Study of Solar System Miss Stevens, our science teachier. announced last week. that aIl solar system material sucli as planiet stor- les, planetoids, sun, moon diagramns, etc. 'are to be in by Friday and we are to start a new study. I am lucky because 1 have ail of mine i. Studly- ing thé- soiar system was very inter~- esting indeed, and I ain sure that al en joyed if.-Richard Hirsch. Stolp. 2B. Howard Holds Exhibit; Pupils Explain Projects Howard, scliool had an exhibit Fri- day. Ail thé rooms had an exhibit and were very pretty with ail the 'Pupils' work. In Miss Van Horne's room we elected a few people to tell the visitors wbat the projects were about. One projet t was. a. littie d Stolp uomes JIICK to Defeat Howard, Stoip heavies had an exciting conieback over the Howard heavies ini a basebail gauxe Tbursday, May 31i The flrst game w., Tuesday and Howard *on, 23 to 2. Howard came to Stolp. for the second ~r0 ~"game. For the first seven in- tnings Howard ledý by tw o p oi n*ts. The last of thesev- enth. brought. -Stolp, to -bat with the last chance ýto win. After several long drives, the' *score stoo.d, 9 to.9, with a man on third. and two outs. The next. bàtter knocked a Ilne drive to center field anid brought homie the winning run.. The score, was. theni 10 to favor of- Stolp. Our umpire, was Mr. Replogleé.-Ed 'Ives, Stolp -1B. Stolp Lightweights Play Basebail with Howard Tbursday, May 31, the., ilitweight team of Stolp played the. team of Howard scbool at Howard. The Sýtolp 'team is composed of Robert Scheibel, ieft field; Rodmnan Joyce, first base; Dave Geppert, pitcher; IFred Leemian, short center; Dick Andrews, right field; Jock jennings, catcber; Ray Hallett, third base; Barker Lingel, short stop; Arthur Brereton, second base, and Bill jen- nings-Dick Hooker, Stolp 213. Clifford Goodman Tries His Hand at Gardening' Cifford Goodman, amateur gar- dener' of- Stolp, pianted about tbree thousand,,seeds two weeks ago. blen viewed lately it is said that nmue seedlings have sprouted. We wonder why.. Weren't the directions fol- lowed carefully or what?' Any way the Goodman faniily won't get much from tbis garden.-Janet, Bichi, Stolp 2B. In Mrs.- Gibson's roomý thee are ail kinds of papers up on the wal; Mrs. Gibson lias. several drawing papers up in the front and bas many on the boards. 'Ail together she lias fifty papers up. At the flrst of the year we. would write somie- thing that Lincoiln said. In the rnid-ý dMe of the year we would write somne- tbing else about himn and at thé last of ,the year we would putý the first, second and the third the room. -Curtis Brown, Howard 5A. Judges Decide to Send. Ail Snapshots to-Japan A few. weeks ago there was a kodak picture' contest. Any child. wlio wanted to enter, it had 'to take bis own pictures. and. write a comn- position about the picture. The con" test.closed May 10, and Miss Perring and Miss Donnelly were the judges.. The best picture was going to japan. There were so imany pictures that Miss Perring and Miss Donnelly said, "They are ail so good we'll send them alI,."-Patricia, Roche, Stolp 2B. School Awaits' Outcomeý of Girls'ý Rotary, Contest Now.,that the iast of' the school year is1 comning things are -going -around in circles. In gymnasium three girls have been working bard to win the Rotary award. Tbey are Betty Todd, Doris Paterson and Lois Kun- zelman. They were witbin 30 points of each. other. The entire school was anxiously awaiting the outcome of this race..-Marcia Smiith, Howard 8A. Visits Historie Places during Trip in Florida When 1 was coming up f rom Flori- da I stopped, at St., Augustine. 1 went through the oldest school. bouse and the oldest bouse ini the United States. Lt belonged to Don Toledo. He was the first white manx to marry an Indian. wo±nani. 1 went to f lie Foun- jane School Le! ters, Rotary A wards The, letters. and Rotary awards were to be given out on Wednesday, June 6. The letters are for track,. anda stripe for basebail. Ten boys from the five schools in Wilmette were to1 get, the Rotar-y awards. These awards-are given to the boys of eighth grade wbo get their letter in al four major sports, these being football, basketball, track anid baseball. These- boys must also get. an O.K. from théir teachers. Medals were 'to b e given for first, second and third places on field day which was slated for June 5. This fine physical training program was conducted by Daniel Davis, ath- letic director, and, helping him were Dudley Stone, "Hap" Gathercoal', Mrs. Bail and Mrs. Fanckboner.- Bob Lonergan, Howard 8A, Publication of Stolp's, Paper again Del.ayed The publication. of the- Stolp News Box bas again been delayed.- It was to be lsôld the day after spring vaca- tion; however, one tbing -after an- oéther delayed it. Ibis.'time it mvas discovered that the last page Il'ad been left out aad now the whbie paper will have to be tak*cn apart. We are ail hoping that it will be pub- 'lished soon.-Ciifford Goodman, Stolp) 1XC.. .Plays, Cartoons Feature Original Stolp Program 'Stolp, assembly bad, orig inal plays Tuesdayr of last week. "Tbe first was a comnical play. called "The House of Hub Bub,." Tbe second play fea- tured a piano, violin and bass viol. Lt was called."E.veninig Song." Three, seventh grade cartooniists, w.ho 1wére very good,' drew a MNexican..a pro-' fessor atid Jimmy Duranite. 1 arn, sure aIl enjoyed the origin~al pro- gram.--Dick Lechler, Stolp 2B. SPAINISH-AMERICAN WAR Betfl LVyrCi, rHoward àA.Paul Gullickson, Stolp 1B. TrESTS ARE PLENTIFUL * BRING TURTLES HOME We are liaving most of our tests Wben .1 wenit to Fox lake 1 looked tow. Recently we bad one test. for turtles. I found flfteen of tleie. The next day we had three tests. The I brought.themn home anii sold some tests-we are liing are language.- of themÉ. I get 10 cents for each of Bud Sutherland,. Howard 5A'. themn.-Teddy Johinson, Howard 5A.. BOYS HAVE ORCHESTRA Next door to us tbere is a *boy naxned Bradley Burnside. He and MyM brother have an orcliestra, My bother plays the vio lin and lie plays the slide, trombone and, clarinet.- Kelnneth Mann, Howard 5A. Thne cnildren at Stolp are hustling and bustling around to get their class day poerns, prophecies, wills and other sucli tbings ready for the ex- ercises. Glass day is. always. looked forward 'to by the lpupils in. the seventb and eighth gradés.-Clifford Goodmùan, Stolp IC. 1