ini.the advancedi class went ini for formn riding and jumping, the inter- mnediate class. for forni riding and a musical, chair, and the beginners for a needie and. thread race. and form r id 1ilg. The judges were Major Charles 4 Dumiphy and Major Frank Milburn of Fort Sheridan,, and the faculty nienibers i charge of the group w%%ere May Fogg,. director of atlîletics Iris B'oultoni, sup)ervisor of arthletics, and Helen Bellows, head of sports. Honors in the. advanced class %vent to Nathalie WVaidner, Emil -vBaker, Jean Gerthcr, and MNargaret Tidemani for form' riding; to . Margaret Tide- man,.1Virginia Qakleyv.,Nathalie Waidncr. and Lucie D)ix for jumping. Hionors for the1 intermie(iate. riders ývent tho Betty Hitchîcock, Antoinette Heariie. Mar.y Barrett-, and Constance Clough for formi ridin g; toAn- toinettc lcarne and,.Constance Clough itheImusical chair. Robert E. Buethe and William H., Freemani of Xilmnette, juniors at' iPurdue university, -wiIl attend the Reserve Officérs Train ing corps camp at Fort Knox, Ky., f rom june 17 to July 28, it was announced this week at the university. Approximately 160 Purdue R.O.T.C. students will, form batteries A and B, a nd only motor- ized ight field. artillery batteries at the',R.O.T.*C. camp at Fort Knox this, sunimer.. Following their arrivai at thle camp, the students wiIl enter an intensive six weeks training per-îod of. practical field artillery work. They .will live in barracks ýand wvilI be uU(ler the commnand of ýCapts. J. A. Steere and C. W. Mays, who are stationèd at Purdue University dur- the. winter. Mrs. A*. E. Woodruff of Darling,' ton, S. C., ivili arrive tôday to visit iler daugliter, and. family, 'the John L. Wilds of 244,UOiford -road-, Kenil- worth. 'Mrs.- Woodruff came to see ber grancldaughter Nancy .graduate, j1onors amfong the beginners %werel from Ferry bIil.' awarded to Georgia Bettinghaus, -- Betty Solonon, Suzanne Goodnow, M1r. and 'Mrs. Albert \V. Scarrett, and Jane McClintock for form riding, .1 eiwrh vne eiwrh and to \'ivian Rice and-Zella Hlender- l motore cl Saturda3-: to . Champaign to SOUin he eede ad trea rae. get their datughter, Jean, wvho. attenids. Others ' 'ho took part inte horse the Uùiiersity of. Illinois and spend show, which wvas un(ler the direction tAli nIght ith 'friends s in Peoria. of Riding Master Paul Stjernholm. were M1ade-line Long. june Barrie, Nancy Bolenick, Priscilla Brackett. Betty, Browning, Marguerite Butt- COLF LESON Bt Practice si mplust, Northeast Corner not Your A»e&iW$nst Wilmette 2526 'Aft.r June let-in our new and larger studioe a 1152 Central Avenue ,Wilniette 5301 Professional