or to Intereste ariranged to -8.Box 40. HOUSE BE AUTIF U14 7RmS.,.ENGLISH- BRICK COLONIjAL, 4 bedrms.,. 1 bath, oil ht.' Very attractive on ' acre lground. Beautlfully- landseaped. This is a real bargain. Mr. Rink- HAIRD& WARNER, Ine. 523 PARK DRIVE, KENILWORTH Keniiworth 4785 Rogers Park 6151 INDIAN IIILL CLUB SECTION t- A charming brick, homte with , acre on quiet street. 5 bedrms., 3 baths, att. gar. Sacrifice price $30,000. HILL & STONIE -),è3 Lincoln Ave. Wlnnetka 1544 111!LTN5-lte BUY.THIS FOR INVESTMENT Substaftial 7. moom stuco; ail, large ronH. W. ht., oil, 70-ft, lot, gar. Near qehool and transp. Cut to $8,000. Séee agent, .877 Elm St.' Wlnnetka 1689. 111LTN5-ltp MODERN 5 ROOM BUNGALOW 11Nf S. E. sectionl ear lake on wooLdetI lot. .Iust right for smal family wanting fine location. Price $11,N00, rea.qonabie terms. Smnithad Goss, 725 Elm St. Win- nethka 3500. 11lLTN5-1te WANTEP TO UUY-HOUSE é; OR 7 RM. HOUSE IN GOOD LOCA- *tion ini Wilmette, Kenlworth, or Win- rietka, near schools, not ov er $12,000. \fust be modern. Onlyý owiiers needl iknswer. Mr. Orth, phone Greenleaf 2700, or Iilmette 3319. ITN-t ROUSEWILMTTE, KENIl.WORTH.,ý or Winnetkfi, 8 or 9 rooms, for cash, Sofly. Full description in first letter. Write A-80, Box 40, Wiliiiette, 111. 113LTN5-ltp FOR SALE-VACANT THINK OF IT WOO'biI)CORNER LOT 100xI50 l- * (eenf Sheridan Road and the 1.ake*.lit Highland Park.. Al Improv'emeflts.,lin and pa o. Price $37.50 per foot. Ab- '.,îeyclear title wlth guarane -olicy. R. M. Johnston. & 'Co.: -940 Linden Ave. Wiimette 444-5) \VANT VACANT? WJ" HAVE SEVERAL GQOD UUY N vacant propei'ty especialiy a large heautifiijly wooded lot nlear Ilake ln -.---'.-1 lr- ner baIMs $16000 cashj 'yFi rent. econvent. VACATTON ON FAIRM FOR Cl-fL- dren. 8-14 yrs. Best care, wlmilesomie rmeals. Arte-ian water, pleasant. h"mie. Phone Wl nnetka 2.169. il SLTN5-1 tc rOit SALE-HOUSEHOLD GOODS 100-LB. PORCELAIN LN T CE BOX," gas: stove, kitchen taible, 2-cit. tee cream freeze r, sÉmail oven, table lainp. day bed, child's de9k ayd chair, dol b)assInette. dresser, rockteri, buggy and dtrnller, child's bic'ycle, qanl ize lrish mail, bab's basinfette. drqp leaf table. 2' glssize 16-19 sheein skia *lekisý aInd winter coats. Ph. Wilnîette lR"4-W. WASHER &IRONER L.ARGE THOR. WILL A TFC .for cash. Phope Oreenleaf 4646. TVORY ENAMEL INFANT'S BED $8. Wardrobe. other -pieces- to nmatch. Out. door screened. infant'-, bed. Al la good conYditionl. Electric victrola. Phone Glen- Mie 324. 129LT5-ltlp SEIMMON'S ('H ILD-8 CRTÎÎ, WALT finish, fll size. Golcondition. Ttasonable. Phone Rerkshi"e, 766.5. FORý SALE-SOLID WALNUT CARV- ed chair $15. English Cab style. baby buggky. original cost $100. Seil $20. Phono 'Winnetka 242S. . 1291-5-1tp 11IRBARD SPENCER iWE .BOXS-. caPacit.y, ",ufflessP>ri ai ined. ~l'oRomne cuality day bed. leleî>hione( P0RCH FURNITURE FOR SALE. High grade Çhinese bamboiro;-) pieues. Ph. WNinnietka 236. 129L-tp WTD. TO Sl1Y-JiSEHOILS. GOOS__ D)a v Bed or Studio Coulch Pli. WILMETTE 662 WTD. TO UY-MISCELLANEOUS $$$OLD 'CLOTHr-..S,$ $ WillI buy rnens use& suits, fihoes, overcoats; alsoD fur coatiq. Betprîces.- Prompt, service. A.,MARTIN UNI. 0347 132LTN39-tfp G'oldran-JuinkDealer- Hlgbest prices pai{1 for junk. Wilmette 5417 .Winnetkià :)72o 132LTN;5-1 1tp ____- - resilent ian COLO. P.D, will c( S U M Il E lR certificates at thq ,terested phonle the flrst time, wi 116A-LTN5-lt-P the open stadiun ýNE COTTAGE start at 7:15 d'c ake, Good fish- ileaf à 1620. procession, of fa 116ALTN5ltcThe Rev.. Peter exercises which, for be held at night *in The program will k with the academic lty and graduates. 'uilday, Ph. D., -of'L ,Mos quit o Family Is Ex»eriencing Season of Famine. Dry weather, dust stormns andIthe operations of CCC workers in the, Skokie. are making life miser-able for mosquitos this season. And to make the last *stand against this. former north shore pest com-ý plete, Superintendent A. H. Meier.ý of, the North Shore Mosquito Abate- ment district, is directing a corps of Emnergency Relief workers in.diggiugý' ditches in other parts of the district preparatory to cairying off the water in. a hurry when and if heavy rains do corne. tually be so biessed. I NEW BOOKS J The Wilmnette publie library has added the followinig new books to its collectioni. pilosopy, Religion and Eotio'n es iLarrabee-What Phllosophy Is. Stocks-ýAristotelianism. Van Dusen-Plaîn Man Seeks God. Herriot--Commuflity Serves Its. YimIth. Briooks-Russia. the Soviet M'av. Orage-Nationial Gullds. ýTraveI, Blogra#hy and History Wright-ýGreat, Horn Spoon. Grenfeli-Romance of the. Labrador. flawson-Candlelight Da3rs. Bel-Letters of Gertrude Bell. meKenna-ýSpies, I Knew. Beraud-Portraits of the Frernhcvl - lution. .%anl,-Death Valley ln '44. Poor Skeeter Year The river. and its branches in nxost .. Kenneth Bontecou and his sister, places are as dry as a ,bone, but ;".Svlvia., 836 Chestnlut aven .ue, returaied spectors are keeping the few exist'- Thursday of last week from Ohio ing pools ouled to prevent mosquito WerSleé-ai to spend thie summne r va- breeding, and ail in ail, thie. otiGok cation w,%itih their parents. in mosquito land is dark, indeed. oý The culex tribe, which l)reeds il' Mr. and Mrs. H. W-.Pope. 910 Lake bird baths, old tin cans and similar avenmue. entertained sixteen. members receptacles which hold water, usualvy of the Pello\%siiip club for dinnerlast select early, june as their "Icomilng Saturclav. out" season, but even the culex tribe, 0 because ýof the long dry spelli s 'ot Walter. Marx and his, siýý,ter, Jean, expected. to be very active. 'lof kenilworth, entertained their (luI- Pronounceid Imiprovement Ilctec.ratIrig>lii edi1es- Because of, the unseasonable wéath- 1(lay eve ning.. er which has prevailed, a -f ew Of lI this breed have made their appear Riay Dunai, 225 l)upec place, ca-nme- ance at this early date, if is an j home o1, Wednesdav from. Purdue nounced, but not in sufficient 11uin- niversity for his su-ninmer vacation. bers to cause much trouble. The 0 culex is known as the house mosqui- Claude Hamilton,. 430 Woodstock to and does flot thrive very weli if avenue, Kenilworth., returned 'Mondav the householder takes the .nècessary f rom Purdue. precaution to keep his place 'free of old canis and other culex. breeëdingWimtesOl places., North, shore residents, it is Wlet' 0 said, are. appreciating this fact,, and Fireproof Storage have brought about a -great improve- Warehouse Offers ment.in this condition ini recent vears. Scrt Other Breeds. Scarce Scrt The atedes vexans and the ae(îes. Eficiency cxcrucians, the mosquitoes which -Responsibilitye under normal conditions are swarmi- With Its 93. horsepower - 85 miles an hour 10, to 60 miles an hour in 21 seconds - 15 miles per gallon NORTH, SHORE BuIcK CO., Imc. 103-33 Davis Street Evanatom Establiubed 'Sm, 110 'S. First Street Highsu4ParIs open W Origiflators MI 9 to 9 taker Pli I -.1