Th is, Week-end Qur irl~(Contributfed) Out irlScouts are finishing UP their troop, business for 'this fiscal year very shortly and will be scatter- ing to various activities for the sùm- mer, some to camp and. some to re- main at homne, but wberever tbey are we, feel sure th4t theyý will aIl be a credit, to their: organizatin of Girl Scouts. This week-end the Girl Scouts are having a display featuring camp equpmet.J. E. ýWort.hen has been -kind enough to donate the south dis- play Iwindow of bis store for this purpose. > This display of camp equipment bas beenl assembled and arranged -by Mrs. H. E. Ringbolm, Miss Agnes Bichl -and Mrs. H. J. Dernehl, camp, chairman, each'a member of our lo- cal Wilmette council. Heres List otf Calmp. A permanent camp which our girls are eligible té attend is Camp Hick- ory Hill, located near Edgertoni,. Wis., and belonging to the Des- Plaines council. Camp Hey Day is the nime given to the day camp which Miss Lillie Mae Humpbries, our scout director,, conducts at the forest preserve for those girls who do tiot go to permanent camps. Camp Cox near Elgin is thie camp site recently ac quired by the; local council through the generosity of Mr. Cox upon wbose farmi it is b-' cated, and is being used as an "over- nigbt bike" camp. Several members' of the local coun- ci] as well as a numnber of the troops have' availed themiselves of this new -camp site and report it a iost satis- fying experience. No Girl Scouts, are ever permitted to go to tIhe overnight camp or to, anv c amp unless accompanied by leaders or other adults who have taken a course in overnight hikes and camping requtiremientsý. *As our lives ini cities becomne more- --- - - - - - - -(IU~ averv year Thursday, May 31. This mee-lte girls ing was held at the beach at 5 Charlotte S o'clock. We met at the stairs and when ail had assembled, walked south to Washington Park. We A iv-A nmln .n- lit à- -!àtz'd W and 1 ain sure ch e to go agai.- Y( scribe. Fr emeeting with "O Co Scouts" and "laps.' scribe. an mst :Of the ýgirls went in* wading. Wewnttpintepark toê eat our P b i speas it was mnuch nicer up b Foruma down to. the barbor and'climbed on the rocks on, the pier.At about 8:15ý o'clock we went back fo the park,____ andMis Omseepreened iler THAT MASS MEETING aries arent the samne as the Village stars to five girls.. Gn .- akbadde We sang '"Taps" and. then went Julie 1, 1934 boundaries. The akbadde hom. veyoe njye tismet -Editor, WILMETTJ LIPE: flot extend beyond the ridg to the in vr mc.-oi hieea. Last Tuesday eveniing 1 attended a %%est, and, 1:arn told, it takes inia srbmeeting at the Stolp school, expecting small part of Evaniston. ___________to hear suggestions in regard to the As a user. of the beac.if 1eati conduct and opieration of the beach, testify that, even with the- $4 famnily To WorId constructiveîy and courteouslY pre- lticket fee,. hot days find the beach Çofeene n UgUSt sented. crowded beyond, what, to many of us, Mrs. Nicholas F. Brady, of -New I did hear several suggestions that1 at Ieast, isacmortal aaiy York City, chairman of. the G irl wvould seem to me, as a taxpayer alnd priual fw wn h aevo Scout nationa~l board, wil.l preside a.patro of the beach, and parks, oursden prerly eguarddat.b th e eighth World Conference of Girl might be worthy of further consid- 0 iegad cnb Guide and Girl Scout delegates in eration, in a calmer and more busi- employed,. and also'larger facilitiqEs Adeiboden, Switzerland, A u g u s t nesslike gathering, and in a friend-poe for lockers and, baskets, 10417. Mrs. Frederick Edey, also of lier and more neighborly atmosphere. which lead to more expense. I have New York City, president of the Girl One suggestion was to have the jhdt wî ytr o akto Scouts; Dr. Lillian M.. Gilbreth, of Village trustees also serve as. miem- . sverl ocasons Montcl.air, N. J., member of the bers of the Park board. While it -ieie board of directors; and *Mrs. Sibyl might be doubtful that large savings Gordon Newell, executive secretary would result through this consolida- Miss Charlotte Moody, 1235 Ashlald2 of the national field division, will tion, it would perhaps be more ex- avenue, wilI entertain at a panitry,shlow - represent this country at the confer- pedient. . er and bridge supper Monday, june Il.. ence, whîch is held every two years.. One gentleman, with a powerful in honor of Miss Mary Lent, a hride Delegates from each of the thirty. voice, suggested that this consolida- of the near future. -counitries ini which Girl Scouting is tion would save the $200 fee now .v- 0 .organized wili attend th . conferenicel, paid to the attorney of the Park martha Roberts of 328 Warwick in addition to one representative board, as the Vill age attorney could road, Kenilworth, a' sopiiomore at each from' the International Red also be the Park board etor-e. Monticello academy, is r'eturning Cross; the Y. W. C. A.; Youth Ho-. Which leads to the suggestion, that Junèl 11., for her summer vacation,. tels association; League of Nations-, the $200 a year Park board attor.ney -- Cýatholic *Women's league;. and the might replace the $3,600 a year Vii- Gordon Cutler, 207 Woodstock ,ave-' International Council of Woxnen. lgeatrendphpsasoav nue, Kenilworth, returne ' na the $10,000 special legal fees, that are froni Princeton. studying nature, dramnatics' and fire- said to have- been paid out to at- --- building went to their groups. After torneys by 'the Village.,JaeKafeer90Oawd ave- that we had supper and came home'.« 0f course, there is also6 the little1 nue, returned Thursday ôf l:ast week -Carol McCue, scribe. problem that the Park board botund- i from Notre. Dame. I you do it with friends." TAKE SUPPER HIKE At the recent meeting ofiTroop Il the girls went on a supper hike out to, the forest preserve. The scouts WORLD TRACK Modlern Garage, 2632 W. e, Phono >University &47o DRAJNDRSXLV2R FLA 1SH BRAUNROSe.Service Stations present )me Ail '-Jean