t'lu Uua evoue '0 arMPurposes; 1ta for his achievement in this regard and the singular devotion to bis duties, gratuitously perforne.d, as president of THE WILMETTE PARK DISTRICT for the unprecedented Period of- a score and seven. years, we,- the commîssioners of. this PARK DISTRICT, on our own be- hait and, on behaif 0f the cîtizens 0of th is communlty, do bereby tender to hlm this evidence of our sincere gratitude and appreclation of hîs great public service. VV&S nui. bc Lwo uacnes; that a tee of $4 wilI be set for family season tickets, including bath house and other. privileges as now provided; that there wiU be a $1 fee for the same beach, wjthoiut bath, house privileges except on payment of a' set. fee;' that clothing, left on the' beach will be> limited'to bath robe or towel and shoes; that the rules gov- erning the -beach wiIl be maintainèd, and- that ,the $1 tickets will. be sold to residents' of .,Wilmette only. i IT IS PUTERESOLVED that I Transient t;amlly ticketswihfl these- resolutions beengrossed 1and privileges, Will'be obtainable,. the fee presented to Louis K. Gilson as an being 50 cents, except on Saturday,, evîdence of the respect, esteem and devo- Sund4ay an& holidays, %vheni the price tibn, of his fellow memibers on, 'the -board ilb$1 of THE WILMETTE PARK DISTRICTwilb$1 and as a token of ýthe -high regard In The matter of s eling beach tickets. whieh he la beld by the cîtizens of thistonnrsdtsasaknpbts comnt.these 'buvers do 'not. number more Baflmau Addli Praise than 100, it was decided 'to continue * Johin P. ,Baimn -an,, 1524 Elmwiood; the practace. avenue, president of Wilmette Civiç, The meeting was ad-ajourffed to league, was present and expressed Mna ýeig ue>8 hn h his person'al appreciation, as ivell as anda evnnln 1,we h .aPnual, appropriation ordinance Ivli *titat 9of hîs, organization,, for. the 1 corne up for co'nsidération. signal service which Mr. Gilison has __________ rençiered the community, and to the entire P ark board for the excellent Commerce Students Cet manner. in which its aff airs have been g Ho rRai s conducted.H The board plunged ,into the knotty Th omredpateto e prbeiof beach arrangements andTie High school this year is grad- management, which liad been report- j h ags n etenog~- ed as solved by a committee of rep- raphy class in its history, according resentative's of the Park board, the tOý David E. Johnson, head of the *Vilage board and the Hlome Owýners' de îet .Eigit niembers ofthe. assoiaton i aconfrene lst ee, class of thirty-six xon places in the That solution provided for two Nw Trer ce lionorM soe and tw beaches,. théi present one ai the foo t Jbere o tetd ru TareT oine memco- of Lake avenue to be conducted on ber 9ftegopaegigbcl the high plane of excellence of' pre - ilege. Others are hopfing to find irous years, the family season fee to business positions on the north shore remain at $4, and a second one to be or elseivlere. The commerce depart- éstablislied at the foot of \Vashing-mntasrc medd hse tu dents to north shore businsme tnaeue. with a famimly season who .miay need beginningstnga féeeo$. This committee .approv.ed 1 the abovýe.planl of the 'Park board,.pes a nd %%-ere a unit in the' belief that the Park board could 110 maintain te ié present beach service at thé .$2 fée bat ha d heen demanded., THE OLD TIME TALR Reaiews Attack on Board . Naish Suits Made to Order Came into the meeting Monday . ~ ai 2 TOMATOE; NEW RED ICEMUmmqHEAD LETTUCE HOT Hou1en CUCUMBERS 3a..20c 32c 9CC coA. Sc CANTALOUP! 2 rl 7e, COLD STRXAM PINK SALMON .2 CAS2311 DEL.MONTE NO. 2 TOMATOES3CANS40 ECORE PREPARED SPAGHETTI 4 CAN 25 c JELL-OE SALAi UNSSINO jL 23c Blue Rose Rice. b. 5c ROBERTS & OAI Minced Huai 15c ION^ CUT Gr. Deans 3,141. a25ç *VERYMEAL Apple Suftera-A:E 1 5e DELICIOUS 17ece IL.1Sc ILS 140T ADV. ICE CREAMI 't; 33e 8PVegetables PKG.5 2 ::N: 23 SPARKIE