Discontinuing' bar DRtESS and MiIiery Deparl'mentf Right 'to the bare;lixtures Ever7thin Prce They last! riarry oeiert,.and LDudley Yeoman. = Cary Kimbail, daughter of the Har- ry Kimbarks of 64 Indian Hill road, left Monday witb her grandmother, Mrs. E. U. Kimbark, of the Georgian lctel. for Cape Cod. Miss' Ellin Terris. of Hollywood. Calif.,, is visiting bher uncle and >àunt,* Mr.' and Mrs. T. E. Moritz of26 Warwiick road, kenilworth. -o- Miss- Sally Russell and Miss Mar- jorie Cecil of Nashville, Tenn.,ar rived Saturday, to, visit Miss M arian Flentye of 9-19 Central. avenue. S A vE 4 0%' STATE FARM INSIJRANCE col&. Rated -A-Excellent Plus- in Boots 1266 Wflmtte Ave. WilImitte au8 622 Conter Street Wiuaelka. sis The board of. directors of the Wiî- president of the senior class, and presi- mette Health center wiîî nieet on dent and staff writer for the tiniversity Friday afternoon, at 2 o'clock at tb, newspaper and year book. She wvas a Health 'center. Ail members and asso- member of Sigma Alpha Iota, nation- ciate members are being urged to at- al honorary music sorority andi of Chi tend this, the last board meeting un- Omtga. tiI Septeihe.r. M.iss Paddock is piea . orpr sonnel work and to'be a.dean of wom- Ashtn Talor sonof rs. ar-en. In several years she will receive. guehten Caylosoayof r, 400 Eighth aFellowship to Syracuse university sfreet, will attenid the summer courseswersh iltkatw-arcue t, -St. John's Military atademy, of training to be a dean*of women. In I)elafield. Wis. the, meantime she expects to teach Following her graduation from New Mrs.HerertM. GuldandherTrier she went to-Northwester'n uni- daught of Seattle, ar.rived last versity for two years and !then trans- gtuesryt vstte aod yc erred tô the University of New> Mex- family of 1 241 Green,.vood avenue. stsrngMs Pdok a i William Appel of Denver, Colo.Ifrto onswihnemna ih left last Wednesday after a visit with forcéd.ber ýto return home, but when the WValter' Doerings, 1335 Chestnut i she went back to school f oùlier exam-. avenu .e. i mations shie passed with.honors. -o- Anker -L. Christy of .1631 Spencer avenue returned recently from a tWom weeks' business trip to New York. Couivenilent Terms May be arranged in many cases by Parents wishing their children to enjoy the bene fits of <AS LONG CAAS- I-f 1 YEAR C I...I'lg TO PAY j INMoitit Shore Doy Camp J .peulmg Monday, Jumuc la Fer Farther lui ormiation Cali NOIRTIJ SUIIRE SCIJOOL .1 Physiçal Devel.pmeut 1700.Cmtral Street, Evanston ]Phoum':, GREunief 3 f-Wnauetfra 418 Stimmer dresses ;and suit$ includ.ý ing .knis. Values to $5 O. P. Oisons Observe Wedding Anmiversary A buffet supper was given last Sun- day afternoon and evening at the home of Mr. 'and Mrs. 0. P. OIson. 736 Roger avenue, Kenilworth, in celebration of their:thirty-fifth wed-' ding anniveràsary. Many of the guest.s attended the wedding, itself, and several of them were in the wedding Party, two of whom poured, Mrg. Abe Engle of South Shore, and. Miss Dorothy Ste- phenson. Two others who attended t he bride when -she was married thirty-live years ago were Miss- An- toinette Newman of South Shore and Miss Neil Stephenson of. Evans- ton. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. John Stephenson and M.%iss Andrea -Stephenson of Evans'ton, MIr. and Mms Herbert Snell of W.ilmette, and. .1Ir.and Mrs. Adolph Ruth. Nlr. and irs,. Adolph Grimberg, the .,,Gunda Alexýson family, Mr. and Nlrs. Et.il Wenger, and Mr. and Mlrs.. Charles Madsen, aIl of Chicago, and Mr. and Mrs. Rollin S. Thompson of Shore- wood, Wis., a-suburb of Milwaukee; and their son., Rollin. Thirty guests xv-i .r-,-n t' 'ATION 1&4S Lbacoju Avenue Winm. 27S2 sArmand Peycke, 240 Raleighi Kenilworth, and Mrs. Stanley it of Chicago, formerly of Kenil- 1entertained at three tables of c duringth weekly party at ýe Country club, Titésday.,