AIR WEIG1HT PAJAMÂS. Cotton cre Pes. meshes and opýen weave cloths ii short sle.v., kn.. ilengt stle. "oy weeri E x t r e m e 1y lightweigkt dloïk -tailored in km.. length style with an elas- tic waistband. Cool offi WASIIABLU ROBES $~ 453 Handsomne robes. in smart, easab: aterials. Suit. able>,for beacb or home. lnitialed wbfle you waitl -X~) 7H1 HUIYS EVANSTON S HOP Àla Doady fer lYen Everything you, neeci for Summerios a- sem bled here ina. selection, compe.y representative ofý the vast stocjcs in. our Chicago Store.Everyhing ,new ...ever- thïng sma... everything "Plus'. velue. i Y.EAR> ROUNýD SUITS, $35 1 ansd 2 Tro'user Suit$ Sport and Regular Modela, Plenty of Ligkt Colora1 This presentation eat $35 is the. cothing sensation of the. season. Every imagin- able style and fabric id.. is ihere. -Look *nywhr- make any test you like you'Il find thisthebestvalu. MENlS SUMMER SUIT» HENRY C. LYlTONASO II Orrington and Charch-EVANSTON--O Peu Tuesday, T/àursday and Saturday Eveningas J'UNE 1,13 c il*.ýý