gUst 10, and is so arranged that a person may enter at ahy tune, Mr. Jackson states. Registration may be macle in thie swirnming office any week day from 8:30 to 12 o'clock. Group instruction is off ered for children under sixteen, years of age in a course consisting of eight les- sons. A sirnilae: course is offered for adults. There is a special rate for XZeW Trier High school summer. school pupils, Mr,. Jackson- says. O"ffers Pravate L.emmon, For children and aduits who do ziot care to enter class arrange- aients can be madé by appointment for private instruction. ,No %pecta- tors are aliowed- where private in- *struction is given,,it-ïis ekplained. The New Trier pôol.'sixty feet long *and twenty-six feet wide, hias bècome a popular Place during the summer months for persons desiring to leari to s wim 'nd, dive or to become mor e .adept at either swimming or diving. -Water in the pool is filtered contin- tually and' is tes ted regularly by the, Winnetka Hlealth departrnent, Mr. .I'ackson states. Precautions are taken to prevent an\, possibility of drowiîin.g. No child-, ren are allowed in the water unleSss there are thrce iristructors: on duty. M.r. Jackson lias three assistants.. In the. seventeeii years lie has been, at New-Trier High school n ci dents have occurred in the New Trier pooil and* resuscitation bias neyer been resorted to. The daily sche dule for the summer swimTming instruction at New Trier lias been aninounced as follows: Hours for Instr'uction 9:00 a. ni. to 9.40 a. m.-MNonday and Thursday, girls and boys whô pastest: Tuesday and Friday. boys- iline years old and older. .9:45 to 10:25«.a. m.-Mondlav and Thursday, genieral swiminig period; Tuesday and Friday, famnily,,grôup open to mnothersand children. 10:30 to 11,:10 a. m.-Mondav and Thùr.sda3, bIoys under ninie years of agç; Tuiesday and Friday,.girls fine years old and older. 11:15 to 11:55 a. nm.-Mlonday and Tliursday, girls under ine years of age: Tuiesday an(] Friday. wvonien. J3OUND FOR CAMP lZobert \V. Tcl1x,11Ir _f STE RLI NJ'~~E~ 36-PIEC-E-SETS .U'N 1Edgeworth -26- Fairfax 3. OId Colony 4. Shamrock V Tip $690 7749 8598 .8850 11340 8400 ý- Mrs, W. G. Olson, 525, Kenilworth avenue, Kenilworth, entertained at 'a inembership. drive tea for M~ary Crane Ieague Tuesday. Mrs. M. B. Salis- bury,. Mrs. Conger Reynoldsani Mrs. L. 'D. ,McShane, aIl of kenil- ivortb, were co-hostésses. OAK PARK