es..................................................... Lb. 19e .llis Gwczdolvu .ldden.rooe (lft),727 ore t avenue, le& ,55 I)sorotl v Pal v(Cejîte1 6s B<'3* t C,.& ).. 2- Cetral a2wcn ne, fVillwt te., and MIss Ref :1.nmn- road. linn<iiika ecuinqtr graditales .ut the Nationail .CollI f!(ajp lua.'ce?'e acluor oft r 'dct io '1c. t i colll me ce,cnî Cx rcises W dnesdayv lun e 0. Se7- cuvsitudèi; tlere inIi le class whqiclz coicludrd aforyacosel:ç rn. Races' Over Turf WiII Be Feature at A rlington Park' Races over the turf will. be staged atArlingtoi Park,' Chicagd's utagnif- icen t racecou rse near Airlitigton Heights, during the 30-day meeting of' -the Arlington Park Jockey club starting .\onday. june.ic 25, it -is an- 11ouxced bI John iHertz, chairnian. of the ('eecttive Colilltfittee. Thüse evelts wjjIU e' decided over the h)eauitifuil.grass course over whiich steep)lecliase ra'ces Were held severai, ye ars.ago. The lumps have been re_- niove(I. ,Ieavifng a- level expans e of turf. a mile iii cirCumference and eight-Y feet ,wide. Racing* Secretary johni P. Campgbell iiots no vrtîng. liteconition- ftor purse races to be offered. clurink th e first ten - days of the Meeting. and the býook wîîîil Iudle even ts o., fl ici turf. l'le races will be at a mile or more, Which, will cause the star'ts .to be ina(le ini front of the grân.îst;and. Mr. Hertz, while ini Miai during the winter, paid particular attentioni to the turf races run at Hialeahi Park and lie was.s0 taken withli the.pleas- irig reception given. ibemi by the horÈsemeni and public alike that lie rec- onifmended to his fei1low: directors. that they :be includ.ed. in the Arling- toni Park Irogram. . It.v daily Park daily. tractià suppor of $1,0 wIll bc wvas alIso ailnounied ltîtat the purse distribution ' at Aringto wor4ld be no lJess than $7.,0 On days when the feature at- onl will be a stakes evenpt. the GRADUATES WITH HONOR Dorelle Nfoulton, daughter of the Williami Moultons of Kenilworth, was1 one.of the four girl.s iho.grad- uated Mondav with honorable men- tion fromn Ferry hall. she was the only oie who recei-ved specil wrd.1 DANUSH COFFEE CAKE FiIIcd with butter cream........... CHmEiRY OR APPLE PRIE .IELLIED ýFRUIT SALAD Generous individumi portions, .esch Bakt Shop---Slreet. PiQor SALMON 24e WIEBOLDTSmEITANSTON On, Davis Street WiImleffe 1100 R OIL COMPANqY-- Willow Roud, West of Skokie Ilvd.. Winnetkau (Plant No. 6) Wilmette, 900 PHONES Winnetko 85 5 Fuel. OilInsurance. A Murphy-,Miles FueIl 1conttractîis In ireality the equlivalent' of -an insur- ance policy to the customner. It enables him to dismiss al a nxaety concerning fuel oil requirements. cri nv the Nationli tuncil of jewvisl WVonien is miaking special arrange- mients to care for deaf girls. Camp Wooster, sponsored by the Youing Mens' Jewish Charities, will have aà special councellor to care for dea f boy S. PLANT NO. 2 PHONE ROGERS PARK 8300 Kimbali and Touhy Avenue& PLANT NO. A (Evanstom) PHONE GREENLEAF 2020 S711Z Kinsbafl Avenmue.' PHONKI Willow Rd., 900 855 Sfltka