The O'rgaxj Krelu4ae: «'At the Cradie-Side". Goodwin ,,jeau Bamrn o,,...........Yo x iss marie Briel Thie itnit: *'Lord, For Thy Tender Merdies' Sake"........ ...... Fannant "he song service by*,eblidren of tii. Mlemetary departments. Xindërgarten-"Jesus Loves Me' .... . ..... .. William B. Bradbury Primnary Departmnent--Grades, 1 and 2 --Tell, Me The Stonies of Jesus. Plmary Department - Grade 3 - *For the - E4auty 0of the Barth.....i The Prayer Hymn:- "Saviour, Hear Us, We PraYI"-Lucy . .Junior IDepartment Tii. OUieteÔry. Anthem:- "Fear Not. 0 Israel"..............Spicker The Organ ýPostlude: "Toccatta".. ... .. .. .. .. ... .. .... ..Boellm an The sermnon subject by the niini$iter for Sii»day is "FeËr 10f Such Is The Kindom" Ihere will be baptism ef > idenat thus service. The decoration of the church for Sun- day'. service is ln charge et the Phil- athea clasa. There wil ho ne meeting of the Church scheol until September 9 when ail de- partments will réfésuetlieit usual work. The High School league wiil meet at 6:30 o'ciock. Mrs. E. Todd ef New Trier wiIl lecture to the group. The league quartet wiil sing. Social Heur ln charge ef Lois Wolfe and Jane Horstlng wifl follow the devotional meeting. The Womnan'$s Home Missionai'y sec1- ety will meet Thursday, June 21, at 2 o'clock ln the Womnan's reom. An ln- teresting program has been planned and ail wemen ef the church are cordiallY* Invited te attend. Smafl hildren will be cared for dur- ing the wenship service threoughotit the summer as usual. The 111gh sehool Epworth league willl hold an ail day outing at the home ef Shirley Magili in Naperville on Wed- nesday, June 20, leaving the churchat 9:30 a. in.. Ail members ef the league are ivtedtego with'the grouýp. Social, 5415. John Dvis. CalIing, Mrs. A. C. Youngberg. Luncheon and dinners, Mn.. G. D. Conlee. Christian Americanization. Mrs. Ed- win Phelpa. Program, Mrs. Edward Meler. "Reading, Mrs. Howard Bowen. House, Mrs. 0. W. Schmidt. Civica, Mrs. George Green.. Music, ?Mns. Paul Stade., Flewers, Mirs. P.ý H. Arden;" Chfldren's home,' Mrs. E.' A. Clair. Old People'. home, Mrs. J. D. Dingle.] Beglnning withJuly 1, this church wil untte th summer union, services wlth the First Congregational chu rel, Fastor Allisen preaching during JuIy'and Dr. J. G. HIndiey tn August. .pirst Prieby.tersilli Ninth street> at Greenleaf avenue James A. Veneklasen, minister. Our worship service, w111 bel held at il1 o'clock. The minIster will preach'on the theme, ."Christ and the Forces ef. Evil." We. cordially Invite you to won- ship with us and brlng your guests. The music for.,t1ie service WEI,. be a.s follows: Prelude, "Ballade" (G miftor) Brahms; Anthem, "Incline Thine tfar," Hirnmel; Solo, "The Ninety and Nine," Campion, Mr. Edward Otis, sololst;1 Postlude, "Allegro Glubilante," Feder- lein. Miss Erma Rounds is director. Our Bible school meets at 9 :»0 'clockc and will continue its sessions through the sumrner. We invite you to joi us. Our Aduit Bible class willi meet at 9:45 and conclude the study ef the Prophecy of Daniel. We Invite you ýte Join us. Boy Scout Troop No. 5 ileets Ionday- evenings. The midweek services have been -dis- continued for the summer, te be ne- sumed in the fali. G.'irl Scout Troop No.' 5 mieets Thurs- day afterliôons at the church.. The choir will mneet for rehearsal ri- day evening at 7 o'clock at the chUh. The chureh. services will continue throughout the summer menths. The English Lutheran Seventh street at Greenleaf avenue "*A House ef Worship" The Rev. David R. Kabele, paster SUNDAY SERVICES Early service........... 1,8 a. m. Sunday school............. 9 a. M. Second .servie...... 11a. nm. Plan te " attend a service et worship. befere yeur dayr's outlng 'next Sunday. Our early service ls fer your conven-, lence. Children's day service Sunday myorn- ing, Junie 17, at 9 o'cleck. This lu a special service,.fer. the children of 'our Sunday se>hool,.their parents and friends. IThe children have anranged a very fine program. Sunday, June 17, 15 Homecomlng-,day at the Nachusa orphanage, Nachusa, 111, There wiil be an all-dayý pregram. 'This wili be a, fine oppertunity fer you. te visit the.,erphanage our church lssponsoring. 1Our annual church and Sunday school WILMETTEI GIRL SCOUTSI TROOP 2 ENDS YEA R On june 7- the uniforined girls of Troop 2 had their pictures taken while the others passed tests, after which the entire group was photo- graphed. Then while Mrs. Denoyer was showing pictures of ber Medi- ents, declareda tri it'well repaidu them for their efforts. At the court of awards, Viviani Smith, Doris Beggs and Anna jean Pifer received second class badges. Frances Weber, Vinginiia Todd,-Anna Jean Pifer, Nancy Drake and Jean Fremont received observer badges. Girls awarded housekeeper. badges were Jean Robertson, Nancy Drake, Jane Penberthy, Marcia Smith, Frances Weber and Virginia Todd. jean Fremont received a . first aid1 An heur spent. ln the Flouse of God on the Sabbath day will make your week more joyous. St. A tgMistine's Rev. Hubert Carleton, D. C. L., rector Sunday, ,June 17, will be the.third S-unday afterTnliity. There. will b. H1oIy Communion at 8 a. m., and morn- ing prayer with sermon At 1il a. Wn. Church school sessions, have been dis- continued for the suminer. Thé 11.o'clock Sunday morning serv- ites have been sbortened for the.summer The vestry of the cburch wIll meet next, Sunday aftternobn at 93 e'clock. BIBLE CLASS. MEETING The Fundamiental Tvuth Bible class (undenominational) will meéet next Monday evening at the First'Presby-' terian churchb, Ninth stret and Green- leaf avenue. The teacher is the Rev. Young People to Give' Joint Recital Monday A piano and dramatic art recital will be given at the auditorium of the Howard scliool next Monday evening at 7 o'clock by the pupils of- Edith Ray Young and Mrs. M. 'L. Miller. T'he public is invited to attenid. M iss Young's pupils who are taking part are, Mary Kutte.n, Charlotte Kutten, Bruce Radder, Tonm Hall, EIeanior Tiivesonn of 1.Wnnetka. Min i.nuu. Barbara JJeKalb of Giencoe, Mary Lou. Geisse, Edwin Roberts, Richard Hirsch, Billy Mc-, Kili,, Clifford Johnson, Margaret Boyle of Winentka, Charles Rock-ý castle.of. Kenilworth, DorothyWie- land of Kenilworth, Dolores Dressel, Olive Dahncke, Marianne Strauch,. Raymond Ambler, Doris Trego, and, Frances Dahncke. Mrs. Miller's students.'Who wilI take part in the recital are as fol- lows:. The. Woman's society ha. tnstalled Its pew offioers and plans are already under way for a new' year et activities. The ehosen leaders are. as follows : President,, Mrs. A. V. Oniuhn. Vice-president, Mn.. Frank Gu thridge. * Secretary, Mrs. George!D. Allilson. Lermuu uiL ..... ... iinui --u-1-)-- i ieu uy ue~stswere, t*'-ir '.'**"-in arKKige sonie of the entertaintient of the Mrs. Pardee gave the bridai OÔur Chunch scheol goes inte ummen evening. last Saturday. session next Sunday, wit-h the Beginners and Primary depantments meeting te- gèther under the leadership et Mrs. Glein Roberts,. 1135 Lake. avenue, Mrs. Lyman Drake, 933 La John D. Stevenson, and the Juniors and returned Tùesday of last week froni nue, left Tuesday of lapt w Intermediates wlvth Francis W. Hayes. Both groupe wilI meet fer a eue-heur the- University of Illinois for bis Grand Rapids to visit )Ars. period, beginning at il a., m. Mr. Hayes summiner vacation. Kindel, formerly of Wilmette Mr. and ai dinner .ke ave- week for Chanrles