Wilmette and did much to develop tbe pbilanthropy depart±nent's use- fulness. She was also a valued and entbusiastic memiber of the Wilmette. Parish'.Metbodist, chbu r c h .Her friends recaîl the musicalesthat she and ber daugbter-in-law, Mrs. Lee Underbil,, gave in their boM~e at Washington avenue and Seventh street. Hier, son, Lee Underbill -of New York, is> the only survivor. John P. auleon ,6 Taken by Death June 7 John P. Foglesong, 86 .Years oid, died last Thursday morningý at, the home of bis, son, H-arry W. Fogle- song, 828 Sheridan road. The funeral services were beld, last- Saturday af-: ternoon at Drake's undertaking par- lors, 5200 N. Western avenu, .Chi- cago, and burial took place at Me- meniai Park cemetery. Mr. Foglesong EddW1n Luther Beishe, 62 years of age, died early Tuesday morning at the family residence, 530. Forest ave- nue. Funeral services were held* at 4 o'clock Wednesday' afternoon, at Scott's funeral home, 1118 Greenleaf aveênue, tbe Rev. John G.. Hindley, pastor of the First Congregational cburch, officiating. Interment was in' thefamiiy lot at Kirksville, Mo. Sur- viving are, the. widow and, four chulý- dren, Albert Beishe of Evanston,. Ed- win B3elshe of Forrest City,, Ark., Mrs. Martha, Travers, of, Memphis, Tenn., and'Mrs. Alta Dee Carroll of Evanston. LOSES MOTHER BY DEATH J. C. Koenen bas returned -from, Baldwin, Ill., wbere be and Mrs. Koenen attended thé funeral of Mrs. J. A. Wehrheim, Mrs. Koenen' s mother. Mrs. Koenen will' remain with ber sister at. Baldwin for a short time. Donald Kimball, 333 Leicester road, Kenilwortb, is flot returning froin Dartmouth but leaves next week accompanied by Jacques Francine of Pbiladelpbia, for a canoe trip to Canada. Tbey may go as far as Labrador. Donald will. visit at Cape Cod before returning home. Jacques will be bis roommate at college next year. sale and contributions fromn students of the seventb and eighth grades of How- ard. school. Mr, James showed us the advantages and disadvantages of liquid air and 1. am sure we ail. etijoyed it im- mensely.-Dick Penbertby, Howard .7C. Seventh Grade's Team, W'ins Flield Day Relay The sevrentb grade, 2B, relay team won tbat event at the, Annual Field Day Track meet, june 5.* The girls on the team are, Janet Bichl, Pat Penick, Editb Mendun, Marilyn Stube, Elea- nor Briggs and Martha Hartman. Tbe boys on the team are Robert Ferrenzc, George Moore, Dick Hooker, Dicc Cordts, Calvin, Hill and Paul Caster- line.-Dick Hooker, Stolp2B G!ee' Club Is Practicing 'Three Graduation Son*gs ortwcing tbeth ee olgs h wlsien ortwo teekthe soge c lubbsben commencement nigbt. Tbey are "ýTbanks Bc to Cod," "Praise Ye the Fatber" and "Suppliant, Lo." The class song, which will be sung by the entire eighth grade, was comiposed by David Geppert of 2C - class.- Clifford' Goodman, Stolp-1 C. clubs of $tolp and Hloward sang at 7the World's Fair, ini the Court of States. It was great f un going down in the buses and many stayed afterwarcl to sec the fair. Thougb it sprinkled, thundér.- ed and flasbed ligbtning white we sang, mogt of the program was giýven>, eiimn- inating only 5 numbers.-Bud Drake, Stolp 1 C. Scizool Basebali Teams qHaving Practice Games Track season is over, se we -are go- ing on witb basebali. tbe teams are peewvees, ligbts and heavies., At p ractice we- divide up, the -teams and. play; for exaniple, :the peewe es m ake two teams which play eacb other. Then they pièk eut 'tbe best ýplayers and play ether teams. On tbe teani to be picked we gol? Barre, Brown, Johnson, Nuchans, Harins, Freeman and many others.- Dick -Cochrane. Howard 6C. Stolp Assembly Enjoys "The Knave of Hearts" The Stolp Assembly club recently en- joyed a play* "The Knave of Hearts,", given by.Mrs. Clark's and Miss Stev- ens' reom. The story told, about the stolen tarts and was really very in- teresting. The characters were well_ plaved, and everyone enjoyed this programn.-janet Bichi, Stolp 2B. PUPILS ARE EAGCER Now that the glee clubs havep hpn a* HOME OWNERS ATTENTION! f-, 1,+ÎýLIPSBOkN Co, S LaSaile St. Fra, 8397 ehce. Mr. Bsali was the cmanual. ing téacher and Miss Woodley the domestic science teach er. - Héoricks, Highcrest scbool. The Summer Sehool at Evauton Business College Intensive courses in Stenography, Type- writing, Seoretarimi Training and other Com'nprcial Branches. Enroll Now. Terni beginning Jue 25 and JuIy 2. Foreinoon Sessions. Reduced Rates. I t.. sLA. train- was 'ar COMMENCEMENT S3ONGS We are learning songs for commence- Ment, and eone was coniposed. by David Geppent, a: graduate thîs year. They are "Suppliant, Lo" and the "School Song." Because .of the eioetb grade is ariyting likie iast year's,, fln sure it will bc a success. The dance will be, sornething few eighth grades have en- tered and, while that will be something te lookforward to, we are ail anxious, te get our hands on the nice, fatdi ploma. After'eight years :of study I'm sure that'it will be a pfleasant experi- ence.-Ted Riley, Stolp 2C. PONDER WAR, HISTORY In bistory the fiftb grade children are studying _the Spanish-American *For information cati Mr. Jackson Winnetka 2400 Daily Evenings,. University 6448 h 'I Iard iîgh runs. I Ray Ha -à%jtllul 4- iliy gr *uuiiner aIu. jusDl WN gotten it on a Friday night.-Harold IP LIGHTWEIGHTSWI Henderson, 5A. day, june 7, the lightweights ir last baseball game. The HOLD CANDY SALE gtweigbts played the How- Howard 8B bad a candy sale May tweigbts. Stolp> won by tbree Z9. These pupilssold pop, mnilknickels, twas a very exciting -game.-- popcorn hballs..and, candy-and. so did Iiet, Stolp 1C., SB.-Marcia Gonialez, H4owaird 5B. r o,.., N i -.vý 1