mag4istrdLC jufn J. t'eters and tifled $3 and costs each. Spaakat claimed that the other two, who had volunteered to drive him to WVilniette, where is is employed, had robbed hlinu of a sum of inoney. It %vas, argument over this charge that, êresultied in the a'rrests. LpnSaakat refusing to sg compiaint against'the nmen, they.were not liel(l on the. robbery, charge, ai- though th.y^conifessed that they wvere guilty of extracting $10 from Spaak- at's ,pocket. SpaakUt -claimed h amouint was larger. The fines were paid, andthe men agreed to return the one tSpaakat. Mrs, Stad.e's PUpiss Give Piano Recital he piano pupils of Eulalie Kober Stade (M rs. Paul W. Stade) o'f.1500 Washington avenue, .Wilmette, ý wil give a recital on Sunday eveýning.i june 17, at the Womnan's Club ofý Wilniette at 7 1o'clock. The p.rograrn is ýto be as follows: Billy Stade-Up the Hill, Goosey Goosey Gander; Bernice Hones-In a Garden; Paul Stae-e Glider; Mfarjorie Pifer- Wood, Nyrnph's Harp; Lawrencej Johes-Tumbling Clowns;Frne ¶ Metzgerý - The Swallois; Lcii Heerens-Trees; jack Hayt-Turkish Ronido;« joan Benner-Jpyous "Mom- ents; Frtiaces Odman-Spanish Car- nival;~ Billv Turgéon - Amaryllis; Anna jeanl Pifer - Humoresque; jeanne Morcau - Narcissus:: Jacký 21 Students Admitted- tao'Senior Music Club, Twentv-onc students were ad-. mnitted to the' Senior., \Iusic club of Newv Trier High school foliowing the trvouts fast week. Students thus honored were Donald Scarif, Mar- R,,aret johnston., Eugene Eldrid,e Mrs. Aniong. the citations which com- no prised the lesson-sermon was' the al dof Atlanta, to visit tb.e Ridge road, PRICES REDICD Po I I C DOWN1 8 ON ALL MODEL i THE GREATEST VALUE ON THE'LOW-PRICED FIELDS Lîat p:îcea, Pontiac, Mich. Wth atondard extra .quipm.nt, $32 additîon.1. Potatao ia a Ge~aera1MotouaVJy. Effective immediately, Pontiac, announces tion on evei a1 sweeping price reduc- sème Car -- Sa. Port oraies Sanie Ecoomuy - - New, Valne w Vassar. Miss Helen Rathbone' 523 Abbots- ford road, Kenilworth, returned Mon- day of last week after completing ber sophomnore year at, the. Uni- versity of Illinois. O2LEY MOTOR SALES SPANISH COURT and SHERIDAN ROAD WILMETTE 5030, NOMA'SLAND