The Outdoor Recreatiop, school, conducted by RBets v N. Shapker on a private beach in Wïlrnette, zî-îl open for thec eighth sea soitJlne 18. Tiiere aie classes for children i'front 3 t0 14 ycars of age îvith ait i s! ructor. for- rvery ten or twEelve childrept. Thte aetiz'ities prozidc ai home al kif 'the adztap!îaqes o! aà sittnwwkr camp, it -is e.rplaiined. These inclaide swimiug anistruci ion, exrereises for posture aud physical.developmneit, gaines, stories, trips to places of interesi, and. for the children 8 Ioa.14 yýwàr-of-age, manoeang, laorseback riding, tennis aaa.d overnighî trips., The school hourg are from 9 to .11:45 in the morning, except when special trips or picnica. are planned. Ned Shap- ker conducts the group for older boys. Miss Muriel Reeves of the National College of Education will bave charge of thé children 3 to 8 y ears of age., Tliere will he a director 6f physical éducation in. charge of the-,girls 8 to l4, for games, nature study-, etc.,an miss Shapker will direct the older girls' class and. the younger children in swin1ming and exercises. .\IMiss El.eanor Kestin, who lias beçni alsso(-Ciatedl with the Evanston hureau I a t irliSc girls froni ut camps. in ccharý to 14 years of age. Lloyd as Frank's societY wife gives Mendota, 111, were guests last week- a convincing performance. end of the former's brother and famidly, the John H. Kaufmans, 1029 EImwood .Nr. and Mrs. Russell Perry, jean avom and Lawrence, of, Davis, Cal., will O arrive, Friday ýto visit Mr.' Perry's, Mrs. Thompson Wakely, M30Elm- parents.. the Leslie Perrys of 1127 wood. avenuei,,accompanied by a class- Grewodavenue. Mr. Periry is mate from Chicago, is ýleavingtoday prof essor of agricult.ural engineering to attend ber clasg reunion at WeI- at the University of California. lesley. Tarzan and Mate at Varsity Theater Here's a filini everyone will enjoy- -Tarzan and His Mate", at the Var- sity, theater. Frida% and Saturday. Said to have ii.ire fire than any of the preceding Tarzan pictures, 'this filmi offers* Johnny Weissmuller in the titie role. M,\aureen O'Sullivan and Neil Hamiliton, ivho took part ini the original picture, wiIl also -be seen agaiti. ýrt Mc Il.r; and Mrs. W. Wallace Kerr, Jr. of Jackson, Mich., left Friday after a visit with Mr. Kerrs parents, the '\\ W.' Kerrs of- 707 Forest avenue. 0o Miss Martha Richardson ýof 145' Miseavenue, Kenilworth, returnied TuesdaY from Boston, Mass., ivhere shie attends Simmons college. liOBIEAU SALES .41-1- TOLL CALLS R"ý"JDD Phsone GREemIecf 6260 Ai, Ph~ ette mO ëa,