Lie. 18C HYDROX SULTANA IBRAND,RE 1SALMON 3.. 2523c ANN PAGFRT DEL ONTEPRISER VIS FANCY WHITE CORN 2 NO. 2 2 R27C CA NS Raspb.rry nd ,Sfiawb.rry UNEEDA SAKERS.FINE GRANULATEQ UET MACAROON SANDWICH COOKI ES GA LU. 27c CLO3TH48 POST TOASTIES .2 -G. 1 3c MAKI$ PR SRVING EASY Ui ICEKTO AND 8NtUE RESULTS BOTTLE25~C ed under the direction of Mesdames, Myrtie Hasselberg and, August. Seyler. The association sponsored a. picnc for the children in the forest preserve as. a windupi of the. school year. Many. Prizes were 'won by the, children in, various events and contests. GET DECREES AT BEFLOIT Ruth Bennett, 1033 Asbland ave- nue, and Lois Gordon, 245. Greenleaf avenue, were amiong the, 87 -Beloit college seniors who received degrees Monday at the college's eiglity-sev- entb commnencement. Edward Fatcb Flanner. of Blackwell, 'Wis.,- is spetiding several weeks with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.. P. F*tch, 611 Washingtenavenue. PCEINTRAL-1 HAT CLEANERS Stvmvas OM.d bIockSd...ut. Paumus.. .hnndblockuU.75 9W CIland De/iver Yree IIZS CENTRAL AVE.WIL.5361 sion, by Miss Anne L~. Whitinack, li- brarian at the Winuette Public library. While the number of readers regi-, stered during the ten-year pericid las increased 61 percent, the population lias increased only 17 per cent, accord- ing to thesame reports. The- increase in use lias been 78 per cent. A big drop in use occurred between 1932 and 1933,,however, due in somne small measure to reemployment, Ii- brarians believe,, but mucli more to depleted book collections. Whule the demand for books bas mounted steadily until Iast. year, ex- penditures for books bave been dras-, tically reduced since .1929. The Chi- cago Public library, which circulated about 45 per cent of the 31,000.000, books borrowed by Illinois readers ini 1933,*lias bougbt no new, books for three years. OId Titi.. la Poor Condition The Wilmette Public. library cir-, culated 149,349 books,, and' spent $,500.00 for books andtheir repair. Practically nothing was spent. for re- placements, and consequently older tities are in a very shabby state andi are getting more bedraggled every week. Governor Hornier, because of the critica 1 condition of the libraries in the state, bas been urged by the Illi- nois State' divisio n of the American, Association of University Women to inçlude -in bis cali for a special session of the legisiature "conside-ration of financial relief funds of the librar.ies HEINZ TOMATO KETCHUP. ý2 BoTTLEs 35C OVEN-13AKED Hein: Usons 3111 i25c 3 TAI. DoZ7 12e 14 , . CANa2ff lie Special Thursday,. Friday and Satur- day et ail North $hore Markets. STANDING Chief Zibble Attending Fire Preverition Sehool Fire Chef Walter Zibble and Ar- thurSmitb, one of his firemen, left tbîs morning (Tbursday) for Ch air- paign, wbere they will attend the an- nual state hre prevention school. An unusual situation in the past year in which the local fire department fouglht against the dangers of fire Sc Dew each 15c 0 ea .IAb. 12c KAND0Y KUPBOARD S924 Spaili Court lu Ne-MaW's Laund Wilmette 5423 3 Ne5Oe