* DTft ffpp Famer Schumanni Warren Rapp a-Wooden Shoes ý . .. Aaron b-Andante Pastorale, Hunten * Marilyn Kiken a-The Wood Nymph's Harp .Rea b--Cimblng _.ý. .MacLachian 1 Marrie Kempnich The Jugglers . ........... Weldig 1. 1Marilyn Shane ýý Téi bthé RIsing Sun Torjùssen Shirley Kiken Fifth Nocturne............ Leybach ln a M Betsy Jones naMonâstery Garden *. Ketelberz Iris ('arrett To a Water Lily.......... MacDowell Frances Rapp The Nghtingale ............. -Liszt Wilma Knoop Preluide, C. Sharp Minor. Rachnianinoft Helen Peterson a-T Hear a Phrush at Eve ,Cadnian 1h-Fromn the Landof the Sky 13lue Water . Cadman Iris Garrett Son:Ia ta Quasi lina Fantasia. Beetho'%Enll al-Adagio Sostenuto b- Allegretto' - Presto Agitato Marjorie MecMillaii MNr.. and Mrs. B. 0. Bunrhans, 1 757 Washigton avenue, and their son, Iver, attended apicnic last Saturday given by the ýpwvorth' Methodist Episcopal church 'of Milwaukee, of which they were former inembers. Mr.. and Mrs. Charles Calderini (Eleanor Sieren) who,'have _resided! in Evanston since their marriage, b ave hought the bouise at .844 Park avenue and Nvill, make Wilmette thleir home. * Wr. anid Mrs. C. L. Anithony,ý iwho had passed the winter at 2022 Thorn- wood avenue, Wiliïnette, moved back ilito) their ow11 bouse at 084 Bluiff rr(tilcnçioc Sattura%,., .osýeph' A. Vl. Turck, jr., 522 Linden avenuie, wvho ha.s b.eeii studving at Iowa State college, 'came. home for a week, -and has,; tow returnied 'again for summer school. Nfrs. Ruth Stevenis' and lier 'two children, 1)orothy and Jane, of Columiibus;, Ohio, w,,ere guests Iast week-end of Mdrs. Omar M. Bliss, .1738 \\asiingtç)i avenue. C-. leacb, alternates. A meeting of the sewing com mittee i8 to be held tonight (Thursday) at 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs.. V. Hend- rickson, 1603 Wilmette avenue. There was a Sevcnth district--board ,meeting Wednesday afternoon at the, home;of Mrs. Franik Dowd, 1502 Wal- nut avenue. HERÉ, FROM LOS ANGELES Mr,. and Mrs. George Fern*bacher of Los Angeles, Cal., spent several days lastweek wvith Mr. and'Mrs. Norman J. Gerber, 940 Sheridan road. The Fernbachers were en1 route to Ne'w York to sail on a'trip to.Panama. 0o- Mr., and' Mrs. John A. Carter, 336 Sterling road, Kenilworth, are leaving July 1, for: San Francisco,ý Baif and L.ake Louise'. PLAY GOLFI CNICAGOIS LARGEST ANDO FINEST GREENS AIL DAY RATES CHEAPER THAN THE FO!REST PRESER VUs Teapwraay Coinp.titiye Rate& WEEK DAYS 18 hol,....0 Afllday ......75e SATURDAYI 18 hoi.., A. M, $1.010; P. M. or al day, $1.25; Twilight, 75c. SUNDAYS: Before 7 A. M., $1.00; AU day, $1-50; Afternoon, $1.25; After 3 P. M, $1.00. NORTHBROOK Formerly llalverolty Golf Cub ;uhlIIIII' a Sale of Subarks' m Our LoerPrir e em 4 cùte styles in checked and plaid ginghams.. Sma rt White piques with a nautical trim. Other piques with pert red bows. The Bible and Works of Mary Baker Eddy, and ail other authorized Christian Science Literature may be read, borrowed or purchased at the Reading Room.- THE PUBLIC IS CORDALLY INVfl'ED TO ATTEND THES CH URCH SERVICES AND VISIT THE READING ROOM Edgar A* Steveus, lue,* E VýAN S TO N lÀ?