VALUE VICTORIES FRBOYSAT THE HUI FO.'.RýIN.,EVANSTON. Lytton ii LIN-EN $12'50 Park< on baturday, j une 10. 1ineut t- tendants were thie sister and brother of the bride and groom, Miss Eliza- beth Genczo of Wilmette and Rich- ard Graham. The young couple are now 'resicing at 2319 Hastings avenue, Evanston. About. the last, of .june theyr will take, a short honeymoon trip to St. Louis. Mr. and, Mrs. Ed- ward Peters of, Evanston. entertained at .a bridai dinner last Saturday, for the, wedding party. mEVANSTON. On Devis Street Specia i F.ekei I ThurdayFriday andý Saturday Only! WASH SLACKS $128 Actual makes him a dilterent clog. The, doctors have ordered him to cease muncbing the crisp, siender slugs of type metal whicb he used to crunch with his sturdy teeth as an ordinary dog would a bonie. In fact, Gin bas digested enoughi literature to qualify him for. canine membersbip in the American Acid- emny. of Arts. and Letters.> Ev ery time he took a drink of 'water,* life was just a bowl of alphabet soug. He bas encounitered more literature in the raw than the most modern of book censors. But those glorious dlays are nlo more, *and .there cornes a saddening twilight of the canine- gods who barked celestially from their'heavens as their favorite-Gin., the Ty pe- Eating Terri er-cruniched slug. after slug of literatuire with, bis jowls curi- ed back ini a mildly triumphant 'ex- pression of cynficism . a news- paper 'dog clear tbrough Too Much "High" Life Then came a' day 'wbenl Gin '..couldn't take it." H-e grew thinnier and thintier until bis backbone stood forth like a niountain range and bis collar uhung. loose like a* neckiace.» *TJi uch igb life,"' many of hîs frieWs sadly, commented. But it .was a time foraction, instead of rnlooning, so Gin was takéni to the doctors and carefully exainined. Leading specialists held consultations about this unprecedented case an(l iscratched their heads vvhile Gi1n looked on %vith sad eves. Mavbe lie did soine scratching, too. At length, Iead poisoning was stuggested as the cause of woe, when the facts- of Gin's strange life were unifole.d. \Vell, the test was jnade. and it was confirmned that Gin hiad ,contracted Iead poison Ing. So Gin Goes, ta Hospitail He' was kept in 'the. hospital for several days and relfase,(1 when lie, Was thougbt to :be out of danger. He wîll bc thin for a long tirne, despite the, fact that be eats like a horse. His naine, too, lias shrunk-utiless onie chooses to cail himi Gin, the Ex- Type-Eating Terrier. Maybe Mien hie gets heavy enough to bear a reaily long titie, bis friends will know bim as Gin, president eineritus of the., Yankee Terrier,' Type-Eating Association .of Amnerica. Probably the one and only mnember TuHE (*Hus HENRY-C.LYTTON & SONS :OriringtS ~and Ghurch-EVANSTON Opm sduiy, Thursday aul Satarday Rvouivgsçi take these steps toward and comfort. important flrst Summer beaufy Beauty Salon--Second, Floor Mrs. Tom Dix,. 236 Oxford road, Kenilworth, gave a small lunicheon Wednesday last in honor of Mrs. A. E. Woodruff of Darlington, S. C., wbo is visiting ber. daughter and family, thé john L. Wilds of )Cenil-. Worth. -u