worh, w lmette and Wlnnetka te study their own situation in the light of these statementab 1.PENALTIES ON ALL UNPAJJ) VALID TAXES froni 1928 to and inctud- ing the first installiment of 1932 tax bis are accruing against ail property. "2. A.11 real estate against whlch bis4 for 1931 and previous taxes are jnal. is either being sold or lias already:bcen! sold and Iortiel to the State, unies$ oh- jections were properly fIled In the Coui-! ty court,. -3. There will no new tax bills sent for 1 1931 revised taxes to real estate owners who did not file objections In the CountN" court agatnst taxes. for that year. If your 1931 taxes. are upaid ýyou will havû i to take action to redee your propertv by, paylng your taies and your penalties, You will be entitled to a reduction of 15 per cent fromi the assessedl valuation. of your homne building or your two- or three-fiat building (pot vacant land or business property And plot. land occupied by your home). But application mnust 1 be mnade to redeem your property. Pentalties Continue to Plie Up -4. New.tax bis for 1931, correctedý to include' the 15 per cent reduction on ' buildings only, wili be sent -tg ail owners who filed objections in the County court, but these buis may not be t*eceived by you for sone tine. Meanwhile, penalties ta i te .uajor.,vaild iýart of your 193.1 tax! bills continue to pile uIp. You miust act to save even a p)art of the réductioni . 5. Thé .a ,n of penalties on th' first instalient of 1932 real estat'e taxe., after June 15 is three per cent, and i iflcreasinig at the rate of one J)vcen 'I4ntas are ail penalties. 6In order to ;ac(otimiod;tteNe Triier citizens, arrangements have- been ruade by which Sanlborni Hale, collector of New Trier township, w~ili receive and, rêe~ipt for paýymnents of "econd instaillnnt.; of 1932 realty taxes, at bis office in thé Winntka tate bank, Winnetka. He aiso luas agreed to accep)t pamnent for, detiriquent 1931 .1'nd 'first iristallilient 1932 realty taxes and personal prop)erty iaxes' and wlll be resîponsible for taking. these pa yients to the. county oflèe and nink- ing prQper entries on the couinty records,. Impvided l>yments with penatlties ,ale imadeIl fuil for- the respective periods. These services will stop June 27. "The county collector bas advised that the i6- per cent réduction on 'building values of homtes and small flats eluals_ about '10 pler cent of the total tax of land. and building. Thus 90 pier cent Of a total bill will be 'ery close to what you shlould îay on 1931 or~ 1932 rat bis, ailowance, of :course, to ýbe i-ade. for îenhaities. If yo paid *only one in-, s4tailnient .in cither year, 80 per cet i - of the second insta liment is reasonably av- cirt.Igniores itebate Legleliatlon T.' ( e Try if you can, tà estimate the -value of your èyes. Realize," that everything you do is dependeiat upcrn,' tem. Eyes r priceless ,they make your life worth while. . Yet Mi spite o ail this, mn people negect the ir eyes. Thydo xiot have" them properly examined and whaàt's worse if they need glasses, they skimp in buying thezu, In spectacles as ini everything:'* else, you get just wha* you pay for. Inferior glasses are for sale'*"-. at clieap prices. First quality spectacles are slightly higher- ALMERCOI &CO. 105 NORTH WABASH AVENUE a 18 SOUTH LA SALLE STREET 78 EA ST7.JACKXSONMBLVD. * 6 4 5:, RNTO V. EAS ORIRINGTOM AV£.', EVANSTON'