C.arol Jackson were pages in thie parade of flags of ail the states. I Rear Admirai Wat T. Cluverjus and Geti. Prestoni Brown were. speakers at the FIag ceremoiiies. ai! 1l o'clock.. Luncheon -was served on the veranda , of the Virginia. Tavernu which comnands -a good view of jthe1 fterrace in. front of Mounit Vernon wvhere the speakers stood. and alsol Ithe "village green" where-a delight- fui program. of :Colonial dan*cing iii., costume is given daiiy. Tie, parade of the fife and drum corps- was especiaiiy colorfut, and the oid faàhioned contra dancing veryi charming. .The Maypoie dance par- ticularIy wvas weii worth seeinig.,,These are repeated daily. M rs. Frank, Fuller, of Winnetka, Mrs., William F. Wiiiiamson of .Ken- iiworth, and Mrs. ILouis .F. Hopkins, formeriv of" Giencoe, Were. very ornamiental ini goregeousý Colonial;! costumnes as 'hostesses at Mount! Vernon. The deliihful' reversion to things Of 1,50 t -ars ago gives a. pleasant cotatto the mocdem, exhib)itionis>of p (e. r * selsewhere shown at :the are quite authenitc---excitept, that the. soidiers of ýl775 were probablymôlt aill pretty girls in Continental utiiforms. Thie'U) A. R. lias 'Charge of' Mount Vernon, and the different chapter serve as hostesse.s during'ithe season. Skokie Vailev is siated -for Auigust, coop)ôjeratîig ivit h ot ber niort h shore chapters. Josephine Abbott Bride of Douglas D. Davisson 11r. and Nirs. Wiliam F, Abbott, announ.ce the marniage oi t. heirI ýdatîghter. josephine, to Douglas D. Davisson of Wilmette, on Tuesday, june 12, at Gi.en Ell n, Ill. The ceremony Was, read by Dr.' *George*D '). 'Alison, of Wiimette, at the home of Mr. and Mrs, la Wesselis, ii -the presence of ImIme- ýdiate relatives.* -Nr. and MIrs.. Davisson will motor to Providence, R. I., where Mr. Dav- i sson wil attend his class reunion at i and around Boston, they wiil re-_ * tumn to Glen Ellyn. where they will Garden Br idge Benefifs The fifth division of the Wilnette Parishi Methodist cburcb, of which Mrs. Newell G. Woods is chairman, will have a dessert bridge, ice creamn social, and a garden party tomorrow afternoon-,anid evening at the homei .f 1 r~ 1 E. Heu son,à 1200 Tweifth street. Y. STERLING y 9 ( Il r 1636 Orrington Avenùie e Evanston CHICAGO OAK PARKC