By eliinintating iail "gin qer- brecad" and siti>îd glass,. and replacing 'it tt'ith light »wldiligs. snafl panes of clear glass, and soft silvzer-gray shingles, Mfr. ani Mrs. W.. C. Heidel of .1eriden.,' ýCon necticut, com/'letel 'v trans-' forrned tlieir 200-Year-old hotne. and 7von a pri-7e 2"; the 1933 qetter Hloins Comm test. T11f ROUIIOUT tlic couilr todav there are count less old houses which need onlv teo be remodeled andi broughit up-t-d(ate .to reveal the .good lines they originally .possessed. 0 ete Homes à Garden-s Mr. and 'Ilrs. W. -C. .HeJdel of Meri- deni, Conn., tound this to be-tr when with light moldings, 'small panes of the* old dining-room charming, and thev reffodeled their old, Colon7ial hom e, clear glass, and soft silver-gray shin- butlt-in "Pie crust" shelves converted for which they were awarded one of the gles. They put ini a 'cernent floor and the study into a gay room. Waste space cash prizes in the 1933 Better Homes Ia modern oil-burning, humidifying, bot under the sloping ceilings of the sec-, contest sponsored hy Better Homes and air furnace. Tbev leveled and strength- ond 'floor wvas turned into a cedar closet, Gardens. ened the floor be.ams, and buit a liv- an immense owner's roorn closet, and Now is the time to put in basemnent recre-ition rtoors-addition.---a'ttic modernization. We do ail types of homne repairing. Seasonable low prices. F. H. GATHERCOAL ISI1 Hlrldand Av e.. Wilmuette Wllmette t2i5 *improve a roorn When y0W seUI asS 70U1 rage e may lie sure they are lau Hal bandas. We bave for oUer m6 pers served a dlserlumatlmg eileawee *Bd . uaransee. a tlaerolub "a eàast.ry job ai modleratoe oeil Mestian rme 511Ma. t. WIL..tau . AWNINGS- AundHow-t Selèct The* You should bave ibtis book: if Yom~ are.,planning awning$,. terrace caito- pies., or canvas work, of any kind.. Asic for Bookiet S-N5. Asic for attractive f ree foiçier describ- ing the new CARP ENTER PORTABLE Gor.dem and Terrace SHELTER Designed for Lawns, Gardens, Ten- nis Courts, Swimnming Pools, Beac'h-. .es and Promenades, Golf Courses, or for use as Open Air Nursery. Child's Play House. or Summer Sleeping Quarters. Asic for Circu- lar SN-5,S. 841 EIm Street -WINNETKA 15 ýl