nignr. The prizes are given for excellence in the literary lines of short story, essay, poetry and drama. They were first presented by Henry P. Will- liams, and after bis death were con- tinued bhy bis son, Lewis M. Wil- liams. Jack Long won the essay prize this year an& Mary jane Falvey sub-e mitted, the best. entry inà drama. In short story Phil: Rogers ýplaced first and William Cray second. The win-. nesin poetry were Marian Sieck,, first, and Ann Mosser, second. The total number of New Trier graduates this year was 418, includ- ing:364 jüne graduates, 23, February graduates and 31' August graduates. The diplomas were presented to them by J. R. Gathercoal and H, B. Mul- ford, president and secretary ire- spectively of the.New Trier board of education. A leatuùre of >the commencement program not announced prior to the exercises was the presentation of two traveling bags t? F. C. Windoes in recognition of bis services as senior adviser chairmai4 for1 boys. Mr. Windoes is retiring frenm this workta devote bis entire time tO the science, department, of which he is head. Diriver of Milk Wagon Disappears Saturday William Parks, 1942 Washington avenue, a driver for the Wieland Dairy company, mysteriously disap- peared shortly before noon lest Sat- urday, and has nat since been heard f romn. He is a brother-in-law of Sergeant J. P. Schaefgen of the Wil- mette police department., Parks had been unernployed for two or three years, and> bad begun work ivith the, Weiland ýcompany only last week. His route was in Roger» Park,. where his wagon was found in au alley near Howard street and Sheridan road. He had covered the greater part of his route. Persons in the neighborhood stated that he pany wilI ofteri its patrons in W ai ,vïcînlt ' ATTEND COLLEGE REUNION Mr.,and Mrs. Charles -A. Keller, 8M. 'Greenwood avenue, .Wilrnette, spent last week-end at the Univer- sitY of Wisconsin where M~r. Keller's class 'Of 1899. celebrated its thirty-. tlfth anniversary reunion.1 About 190 attended, including sons and daugh-, ters of several of theý members. The reunion paety was entertained on both. days IW Coe Glade, contralto of the Chicago -Grand Opera com- pany and by the Norsemen quartet. wav.ncj % 7 Diendini Beauty Cuituoe un ail ifs Branches 401MRS CSAO 1SAUR 4 ,te 117 C ENTRA L.AVE TO MY. FRIENDS IN KENILWORTH AND WILMETTE: ecause you are keenly interested in Wilson, V ýCa., I take'this mean s ta extend ta each ofyou a persanal. invitation--ta- visit aur exhibit. at A Century of: Progress. The bacon slicing machi ne unit is Most. in- teresting. It typifies the cleanliness- of Wilson 'Et Ca.. methods of preparing, foods and demon- strates why. they are. so wholesome. Incidentally the steaks served at pur Wilson Terrace aà roof are delicious. You are cordially -invited. Vice reident, Wilson 19 Ca. ftN.-- CROQUET SET 4 balls,, 4 mual- lets and equlp- ment Oru easy car- rying 81.S FOLDING COT P'ull size foldlng cot. Wh lte ean-* vas. H a r d Wood S'2.s0 SP RAYER Built for long Urne urne. Capac- lty about 03.95r 4 gallons 3 6 i LAWN MOWER 4 sharP cuttinc,' 16-lnch bl1a de o. An extra special BEACH, UMBRELLA L ar ge iapread. Very cclorfuL Alt inetal. rustproof mater- .S~9 3a. D 1 I LINDSTROM'S LOCK SHOP 122 Central Avenue WILMBTTB 3212 BASKCET' Ân êxàÏeunt vaLu. Large 9 1 z e for Pyr.alin. H e a v y GOLF BALL FANS Large el.e WiIow in a play racuet. "Mlxrnaster." At c h r o rn e plated Newr 1.62-ou.. Darb. Loir ln prlc, but baskeL.Very.0g 9c bargaln 4 c lit- $2 9 Tver,.. Sclilgh ln $1.39 wellade.. 49price..,. 49 tings.. cvr. MILLEN HARDWARE COMPANY %tretfln3 Il' FOOD JUG 1-glo n si»e. 1Koopa .food ~ liquids hot or col&.