Pi.nty of Pou'king Spoce No Wclflumg--Proapt Deivery PLANNING MEALS IN -ADVANCE SAVES TIM E AND, MON EY SPICED tCRASAPPLES, A splendid. cold meat accompani- menit, especially when tbey have been thoroughly chilled No.? 2 jbefore srvnq L in GENUINE FILET OF .SOLE Snow white meat, delicately tender. Serve .peas and a- combination salad. "Sund'ay we feast and Monday we fast" was ever a foolisli adage. For ail >meals today are built on. caloric. value, and vitamin content. Ev.ry day's diet is. as'well-balanceêd as* tkat of the prec.ding or successive day.. Here's a goodly array of tempfing things from whcb to make select.ions. Enough variety for an entîre week. Al rich in food value and al priced attractively low. with f resh 35 LAKE SUPERIOR WHITE FISH' Baked or broiled ifs equally ~ tempting. I 3 FRESIl CHICKEN LIVERS A splendid luncheonentree especi.ally when served with Harvard Beets and new potato.es. 1b.39c, SMO0KED BUTT, ARMOURS Just, the, thingj for1 a boiled dinner, good sliced cold, too. l.29c RIB RQAST 0OF SEEF. Thé mnost tender cut that cnb. bought. large, lb.LI1c small, lb.26LC SPRING CHICKEN Your choice, average weight from 11/12 to 21/2 lbs. IL. 34C Commodore Mayonnaise Commodore 1000 Island Whynot try this unique salad? Fui individual molds with diced Dressing cucumber and sliced tomnato-fiII with lemnon gelatin. Chili and Crisp lettuce hearts are Most invifing when served with this serve with Commodore. delightfully biended, perfectly seasoned dressing. 32 4c 1 .;2 ;3ccjar6oz23c TelephonePeas. The sweet variety they cook quickly' an d taste delicious. 31b,.25c New Apples, Hot apple, pie, a sce of and the dessert proble.m is settied. herkimer cheese 3 b.25C Ruby, Beels Sweet and tender. For salads wash well and shred raw. ,3 unches tOc No Cawyilgle.De' We' DefUier se Yen WILMErTE 402 Undon Av.... WIlmette166111 WINNETICA 718 Iii. S*.,. WIaa.tka 1 LAKE YIEW 3959 Broadway BaekIagham Uft ROGERS PARK 15" .Javvis ltogesoParlk 1116 Otites, Drght te Yens De.. Ail A long the North Shore JUJNE z,1934 ai ROYAL ANNE CHERRIES. Big, firm, rneaty oânes- dessert or delicious in salads when, served with Commodore e> large mayonnaise L21/2 tins '9