FAMSTD. BUTTER COOKIES 1< PPA wonderlui assortment ...Lb.19 lTHRftELAYER CAKES jl1 Favorite assorted flivors ............. HOME MADE FRUIT PIES b .Cherry, apple or peach ... ............ I DREELiciouS POÙNDCAKES! Our own -special "tas'tes like mnore", kind.io *AKED LIMA BEANS Prepared, with sait pork .... ..Lb. HEALTH SALAD. Refresbing and whole. smre.............ISâD 13e Bake Sbop-Street Floor WIXDLD'EVANSTON ,On Daivis Street' WiIle il O10 7t-OME ON UPIoTIniE Board a 46North- Western!' train any evening and - early next morning you're there. You "'pep-upp" in no time at al... sleep Lice a top ... and suddenly discover this old .world is a pretty good place after ail. Jr's vacaionland par excellence . . . the Bi~ Wood-smiling lakes-pine-scented "1sun-treated' air. Boatinir, bathing, fishing, golf, tennis, hiking at their best, aen pacturesque settings. And this season. "NoTrnth Western'm" round trip> rail fares are down to are ail things, and we in him" (l" Cor. 8:6)., 235 Mary stre. Amnorg the citations. which coi-caen soi prised the lesson-sermon was the fol- i Nembershipi lowing from the Bible: "Bless theý on research ai Lord, 0. my soul. 0 Lord my God, 1ence. Electiont thou , art very great ; thou art, clothed, governed.by a, with,*honour and majésty. Who cov- Six other. stuc erest thyseif with light as with a frorn the New, gar m ent: who stretchest, out the Wed nesday fro heavens like a curtain: who layeth on the- destro3i the beams of his chambers in the for a, three w waters; who maketh the clouds bis with the 'Nor' chariot: who walketh upon the wings These students of the wind: who laid' the founda-1 son of Mr.at' tions of the earthi, th.at it should no' 1140, Bertling lar be removed for ever" (Psalms 104:1-. Murphy, son oi 3, 5. iMurphy,, 875, The lesson-sermon also included the A.. Ballard .Bra following passages from the Christian! Mrs.' A. B.1 Science textbook,. "Science a nd: road, Winnetka Health with Key to thé Scriptures,." of ',r1. and M~ by, Mary Baker Eddy.: 'Material evo- Laurel avenue, lution implies, that the great First: bons, son of Cause must become mnaterial, and af- Gibbons, 1500 terwards mnuÉtýeither return to, Mimd rmette,' and Et or go down into dust and nothingne .ss. 1010 . Sheridan *...Inspired thought relinqtiishes a~ After speii :material, sensual, and thortal theoryv icinitv of Nor of the universe, and adopts the spîr- sail for 'Miami ' ýitual and immortal" (P, 547). The annual cri __________________reserve officers Mr. and Mrs. Allen -Pearson (Avis> Lundahl) of Goshien, Ind.. spent the Fr ances ýCut1 week-end visiting Mrs. Peârson's leit last Thursdi plarents, the Herbert Lundahlsý of 228. wheire she will Raleigh road, Kenilwvorth. cunVent >ion. an"' et, <..lencoe, wno ne- -iate inember. in Sigmna Xi is based rîd publication in Sc 1- to the organization IF, board of directors., dents at Northwesternl v.Trier villages sailed, -m Norfolk. \Tirginia. « ,er, U. S.' S. Fairfax. wéeeks'* training cruise -thwestern, naval unit. sare Eugene Nickel. id Mrs. G. J. Nickel.,. ne,, %innetka; Carroll. Df Mr. and Mrs. C. 1). H-ilI road, \Vinnletka: tdley, son of, Mýr. andi Bradley, 808 Willo%ca; WilbertKunz, son 4rs. E. A; Kunz. 714-, Wilmette;. John Gib- Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Forest avenue, \Vil- ugene E., Mancinelli. road, Wilmette. ling, five days in t1ic )rfolk, the Fairfax will iand Jacksonville. Fia. ruise: is a part of 'Oie ýs traininyg. 1er, 1001 Lake .avenue. ayý for Estes' Park Colo.. 1attendl the Alpha Phi r ehildren i.North':Shore . Day.CampJ go Parents planning..on vacations or other sume ativi-ý tics of noý interest to their children wiIl find Camp 0-Ki-Hi a safe place to leave them. Camp 0-Ki-Hi bas sçneiai mrranements for 1aring for bidren under mach. end their children to f weeks, tlhey may do 1700 Central Street, Evanston Phone GRE. 3700-WINN. 418. uS'W