Noted at Camp for This Year It. may be work to set up dear old Camp Ma-Kai-Ja-Wan, but. as usual those Who have worked to. put up: the camp have been rewar(ld bly ,seeing, it not, as ýthe old Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan, but as a new, much improved -camp. -This year eve rything possible bas been done to assuréeeveryone. attending camp a happy, bealthy; and a safe turne. Arriving at the main dock on the west sid.e of the lake, the old timer notices the first change;, the. dock has a coat of paint. Before long a boat arri%,es to take hlm across the lake. Yes. ini no time camp, for the two new motors make. t4e tnp certain and possible in very little turne. CAMP Staff members who helped set up Camip Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan last week send the following fun flashes to theirý north shôre friends: "CRAZ ABOUT CAMP Arrive at Camp Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan yesterday. 1 sure like. this place..The advance. party. wiÎll have everything ready for the, first period group. Saw Jim Mpooney,,the Nature .Study, man building a wire trap and snake cage. George Anderson has his,,handicraft shop set up. *"Duke" Reed, froin Deer- feld, and I. are laying out basebal diamonds and a complete athletic field.. The water was just perfect for swimming today. We are planning tournarnents, field days.: regattas, swimming meets and. basebal gaines. Hope to see you soon.-Howard F. New Engime Pnmps Water jj~~LVJ3 letr The .old timer notices first the new engine which pumps .drinking water FLORIDA "CRACKER" WRITES to the irnproved water reservoir. One thing I will say is that the Continuing to the miess hall on th, officers sure know how to handle porch lhe notices the handicraft de- things and they know what teamwork partinent headed by Mr. Anderson. means. At present the camp build- The kitchen is dressed in a coat of ings are being cleaned and painted in shilling white. preparation for the campers. The A new addition bas been made to kitchen is being painted in .White; the southeast corner of the hall. This there is also an addition to the kit- is open and allows for freshi air to chen being built where the dishwaslh- those- who struggle withi the dishes,,ing wille done. Another thing every- for ini this room only dishes are body is prud of are the two new out- hiandled. No. dirtv dishes are allowed board inotors and the new water in the kitcien.' What was in the pump In other words the camp. and past the dish compartment is now everybody are okay !-"Dave" (chef's used for miaking bread and pastries helper 7whojs a. Florida "cracker" and as onîr Chef Ross knows how to is e lyng bis first tirne in a north- make themn. ern scout- camp). The next stop is the hospital whichi bas been painited a cream color. But SAYS THIS YEAR TOPS AL wait a minute, Mr. O0d Timer, you Camp .Mla-Ka-ja,-Wan'has, reachied passed the Q. M. No more bending, another outstandinigyea*r. Camp has over and kig your head in, the always been-great, but this Vyear tops Nvindow. Now youi can walk. in as. if th.1em al. Hundreds of 'dollars havée you were entering a lbig 'department, been spent in mnaking camp more store iii the city. suitable for the scouts wbo are coin- As far as the villages are concerned,' ing u to enjoy "real scout-like liv- five villages are in use this year. ing." 'The nature end of camis,'a Blackfoot and Ottawa are not ini use. psa. el aencre.nfh as-dvu a fanious 'magician, p uts on many 1astonishing performances. l'Il be see- ing you'!-Ed 'Kdebelin, Village leader. CRULLERS ARE CALLING Camp is great this year-no dishes iii the:kitchen. This may lot interest, you, but it does the chef and when the chef is in good humor he makes the, crullers-You know how good those crullers are! So corne up and ftry some wiîth us-"Scotty" Burnett. HANDICRAFT SUCCESSFUL> 1 like Camp Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan, very much. 1 find it much better than any of the camps 1 have been in.. 1landi- craft is going over in great style. Ili.- dian headdresses, àre being made. 1- archery, woodcarving, leather wvork, metal work, such as. tappîng, copper miodeling and hiaminered work, and many other projects are off ered to the scouts.-George C. Andjerson, Handicraft director. THAT BARGE 15 WAITING Camp is, certainly b'eautiful, rnuch more so, than last year. The barge hlas a new coat of white paint, and it's trurnmed with green-it looks like a- Christmas tree coveredwil snow. We also have a new motor ail ready to take you for a ride arouîd 'the lake.-"Pat" Cody. LAUDS MA-KA-JA..WAN Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan is the finest equ.ip- ped, best organized, and niost ideally located of any scout camp I have. had the privilege of attending during miy eigit. years of scouting. Chef Ross is .no exception to the highi standard s'et up 'y the rest of the camp. He can out three square meals' a day.-Byro'n E.,Wise, member of. Elkhart Area council, Indian a. TQO GOOD TO MISS I adging troin experience and ond ~period l ast yq istered for the seascrn. There is third perioci and week. ear,' 187 have reg- new same Period' Ibis (alrn stili room in the large also the seventh addit fires very intert -.ýA VIII liu v*5tfl. Its are great,, and on lehalf of the Wilmette WeI.: Each' day brIngs with it several rone is having fare board, I wish to thank You Most new actîvities whicj'i draw and hold ere- are many sincerely. This is a. big. lift to us at the stirnulating camping experiences. ,ch as a new the present time, as we are very tnuch Lt provides a wealth of wonderful a neW and in need of funcis.", impressions which wiIi more than nient, and an The proceeds frorn the sale, of this likely be lived' over, talked over and hall Camp. paper helped to buy milk for needy dreamed about the rest of the scout's g..ý Bob Lotz, babies in Wihnette. life.-Jom Mooney, Nlature directors i va tross mas~ New Faent for Sea Sc.outs A rolliîcking f raterniity of Sea Scouts with sailing aspirations has. recently taken forin in the "Ancient Order .of Sons of. Salvage," the flrst chapter of which was installed in Sea Scout: Shito ,"Albatross," 'Winnetka. The members of the order, are: Clit cago-M. J. Daley', C. C. Orgo, Gerald W. Shipman; WVilmette- Don Hall, Bôb Hall, Lloyd. Hillsberg, Junior Smith, Fred Leason, Paul Ogilvie1 and George Schwall: %Vinnetka-John Dan- ley, "-Derb" D avis.,BobGarr.etson and Bob Telfer; Libertyville-Hobart Swan, Howard Knox, Vernon * Andrews and Charles Carroll. The officers are: grand termite, John Betak; chief barnacles-- Don'Hallýo'f Wilmette, Hobart Swan of Libertyville, and F. M. Yager *of Winnetka. Ail of these young men have render- ed outstanding service ini prejlaring flic schooner "Albatross" for a season of extended cruising. Much, of. the work, involved was very difficult and required a 'good deal of skill' and much more "elbow grease." The Winnetka crew and skipper., Joliti F.. Roos, are signed up for a ýcruise to be made August 17. They expect to visit Mackinac island and get up into Lake Hu~ron, possibly Georgian bav. The country in that vicinity'is extreine- Iv interesting and 'thé Ijistorical back- grou.nd makes it well worth 'visiting. The Libertyville crew. (H. W. Swan, kipper) is going in the" cruise whichi îails at the saine time as the -Mack- iac. yacht' racre. *The crew expects toô ee if it can,,better the time of the rack racing fleet. Se $a, scout Crew "Port Clinton", of Iigbland Park bas the job of getting, [e dinghy ready for the "Alb)atrosS'." iifter ail, sàilors have to get baëc to ;ore from: theit moorings and the lingby is the oniy way tbey can, s0 he Highland Park bQys are render- ngwiat can be called an essential 1 l ý