Plan of Center for, June 30 and JuIy 1 Forty north shore: gardens will lie open to the pu!bic Satur- day and Sunda, june3 d j uly 1,' from 2 ýo'clock until 6. in the afternoon. This gardeix pilgrinîage is . ponsored by the Norh hore Garden center-,to. give, flower loyers and.l home owners an opportunity to'view Someë of the outstanding gar-. dens of the district. The visitor secures 'a ticket at any one of the gardens, and may enter al the others that day f or the one sýn1all charge, it is announced. Following is théE lst of gardens to be open Saturday and Suniday, an un- usuially long Eist for an 'affair of this sott Of recent anliolincenenttis the' E - OCtiQ lai Of Miss-K~at/erine Dud- Mrs. Ga brie1 Siatigh-tèi, 1408, R1idge 1evY of Kcnilzvorîh to Carroll H. a1venue. 'eIVedlo SoxCl ,Iwa h Mrs. Robert L. Scott,ý 144 edlfSiwCt.loaThr boulevard. iwcddinq t akes place ini the, 7cinter. Mrs. Albert Cross, 28ý37,heridan îi). North Evanston M rs. R. L. Da'vis, 2672 Stewart avêeiut' drive.F.J.Bite242Lcon<> Mid-Sumnmer Luncheon Mr. .D, Ewer, 1111 Ashland ;ivenue. Big o o ~ sCu Mrs. C.' N. iluribut, 715Greka aveueýThe Wilmnette. \Voxpan's 'club * wilI Mrs. Roscoe Roberts, .808 Or*eenlw4pidhodteecnofaers s-mr avenue. odtescnofasreofsiir Mrs. George Wolf, S. ri. cor. W«igner parties on July 11-,,at the club house. road and Lake avenue. Thiese parties are sponsored bv- the * sM Edward Scheidenhcelini 704 Laýkt-* ways and means committee of wbichi Mr~F. j. .Sheenin,,()4 'ors Mrs. Clifton L. Darling is chairnian, avenue.* and betiefit the building fund. Kenilworth ** This -gala affair will be a lunch eon- Mr>. I)ouglhts Floi,,d, 133 Kniwo tbidge and a record attendance is nue expected. Mrs.: James C. Crossley i a rven G 38Kilot chairmnan of the party and bier asss- Mrs. il. A. Foresnian, 515 Essex .road. ants include tbe following: Mrs. John P. Oleson, 249' Woodstock Mrs., David Hall, and Mrs. Howard amvnue. Of-idSmnith %vho have charge of the'clubl Mrs, Arthur Lifidsley, 260 Ofr road. * decorations; Ms .A Stormis and mrs.Har Olin, 205 Warwick road. MNrs. F. C. Huffmnan, wbo are secuiring r F. B aKfnn 2 eese attrac tive prizes; Mrs. F. E. Parry Miss Elizabeth Michelet of Wil- *mette, who wilI become the bride of Dean Lake Traxler of Evanston on jJIy 7,, is being widely feted by bier *many friends. This Saturday Mrs. Paul H. MacMahon of Wilmette will be hostess at a bridge. luncheon at the Tavern; Miss. Bina Mae Traxier, the bridegÈroom's sister-, will entertain twenty, guests at, a luncheon and shower -at Shawneeý Country -club to- morrow; tfonight Mrs. E. S. Bush of Evýanston will be. hostess at 1a dinner patty at the Orrington boôtel; Mrs. ýRoger E. Williams of Wiliiiette will give a luncheon at. ber home on JulY 3, and, Mr. andi Mrs. Carl A. Bessey,' of Evanston will entertain at difiner and a garderi party Wednes- day, July 4. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Church wilI give the bridai, dinner at their home in Evanston onJuly 6. -Last Sunday Miss Michelet and' Mr. Traxier en- tertaîned at a tea at Shawnee for some of 'th<eir friends andi the 1,ridal party. Last Saturday the best man, Samuel Witting of Chicago, was host at a dinner dance at Olympiail Fields, Country club. 1The wedding will take place ini the chapel of the First Methodist Epis- copal church, Evanston, at 4:30, o'clock in the afternoon1 -andi will be followed by a reception at the Georgian hotel. Kalherine Dudley to Marry Carroll WendelI Mr. and Mrs. Laurence H. Dudley, 414 Warwvick, road, Kenilworth, an- nounice 'the. engagement of their daughter, Katherine, to Carroll, H., Wendel, son -1of Mr. and Mrs. George WTendel of Sioux.City, Iowa. Miss Dudley was graduated fromý Ogontz, and spent ýseveral m-onths, iii: Europe. Shie has been studying por- trait painting at the Art institute silice lier European sojourn. Miss Dudley is a member of the Service 3G l lne, Be comes of. f Wilard Thompson Traditional white satin. made, With the simplicity.o.f princess lines and xvith a, train ivas wo rn by MsVirginia King vr o lier niarriage 'to Willard C. Thonipson. Wednesday eveing jof. this week. A lace veil and cap,), Land a-bouquet of. liues of. the val1- ley, white sweet L)eas, and or- chids coml)leted lier ensemble. - leien. T. Wisdôxù' of Gle'idale, tCal., the matron of honior, was- dress- e(l in, yellow crepe, with the. talisman roses and. blue delphinium in, her b)ouq(uet lending, a niote' of contrasti. 'The l)ride's. two sisters, Miss Jean rand Mliss M.\arjô,Éie, were ini turquoise Mlue tmousselitie-de- soie: gowvns and carried vellowv roses and whbite lark- spur. Thev-Il wore large hors0hair blats mnatching their dresses ini bue. 'l'le bride's inother chose wlue laceý iwUîtli a navy Mlue bat f 'or the ý~ed- (ling. She wore a shoulder 1b ou1quect. of gar(lenias. The motheér of the bridegroom wvas attir.ed in egg-shIell »chiffon withbhrowin bat and acces- sorie. . vith orchids forrning lier shoulder bouiquet. Serving as hest ian for bis brother wvas Harold R. Thomipson. J aie, Sheridan of XVilrnette and three Chi- cagoans, La%\reic>e Barr,, Robjert Moeller and Frank Kapple, Jr.. ered. Palms and candies andl white gia(lî- ohi gracecl the Church of tbe Holy Cotnforter iii Keniliortii for the servifte at 8 :30' o'clôck,,*INhich wa.s read bs'. the Rev. Leland, Hobart Danfortlh. SuinnerAfowers were ar- ra.nged iii thé- h.orne of the l)ridesý parents, Captain ând. Mrs. Edward A.. ýEv.ers, at 1020 Sheridan. road,\Vil-: mette, where. a, smnal reception wýas held after the ceremony. MVr. Thompson, ivho is thé sn f ,Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Thornpson of Chicago, and bis bride are 'remnil- inig on the north shore until Sundav. when thev are departing for Gletldal-e, Cal., where lie bas been residing. Ravinia Rose G;arden,ARoger Wiliiiis WVinnetka, a venue (just of N. W. tracks). eeigb Lake Foresi-nigb * The Misses Colvin, 1350 Lake road. Miss Virgit Mrs. Edward Hiasier, 180 East Vine whiose marr street and Green Bay road, .Jr., of Stan Lae.Bluaff 1 July 14. M Harry B. CIow, 128 Moffett road. the ushers. çarty in~ honlor of Wilbur of Evanston. to William J. Perry, 1, Va., takes place on eiser is to be one Oai * Mr. and Mrs; Arthur Schultz, 313 Greenleaf avenhue, entertained at a smnall bridge dinner Saturday in honor of the birthday of* V. A. Smith of 1309 Chestnut avenue. Married Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Nystromn of 714 Central avenue, announice the marriage of their daughter, Eliza- beth, to Clarke Fletcher Mair. also of Wilmette, on June 22.