BRUNDLED SEPBOARDS IDAHO wHilrÉPINEièc ConvenÎent sheif ,Iengths. No necesgary. 'Ends airé squaietde BuiId oii own shel1ves. 1's-'Iengtl, lier butidie ,0E,8 c 'x 2-4'ength, 7c lier bundie of 3 4f, 5', 6' lengths et equally ATTrRACTIVE PR ICES I ROOFING Rooftumg, umootit sur- Eaced, as ioW asS per square...,. *lhIII pooitngl, siate sur-ý aed, as lu* as, per, .si-on square..... Wood Singles, Clear Red Cedar, S ai1 per bundie.. f nity to serve you. And yo, r Home Owper, can be mure you are getting the best material. for your money, for, you're doing business with friends who have Your interets'at heart.: HUREARE "CqOOD MAlýýTIAL SPECIALS"' WHICH MEAN SAVINOS TO HOMEOWES FENCINO Lawn stakes' ~ Whkite Cedar Post, 2 c as Jow as........2 2"x4" Rails- No. 1 conimon Pine, 84S, per 100 Clea WhiIte Pin@ Lattice, per t., as 10w s....N Woven Pleket Fonce,.1/c white or green, per t. ( Sereen eleat p Sereene mies! Assorte INSULATION insulationa Board, 4 o per 100 sq. It ...... Balgaun Wool, -%' SA.Z@ thlek, per .100 sq. t..... Baisam Wool, 11 thieik, $6,A0 per 100 sq. t-... .. Building Blankets, %'" 3.0 tklek, per 100 sq. t.. 3 9 Piasler Wall Board, S .0 48", pet 100 sq. Et.0 Bock.Wool, bouse, g.5 per 7% eu. Et . ..... pr100 sq. It......... 2 Silver Cote, coateal S2 5 sides, per 100 sq. t...2 7Fr Plywooti, Sound, S2saides, 24"x48", 86"x48", *45 48"x4g", per 100 sq. Et... Larger oiaou, per 100 sq. IL. ..... Fibre wail Boad, S 48", per.100 q. t .. Q. SCRUEN SMECUALS Conihimation torlu and acreen door. Inter- i Door of 0E changeabe glaiss and creempanels. Fraime il. 1%" thick. of claar pin., 1M" thick.. Six-light, glaned i.d with fine witls cl..r glass r57 Wd Qaizes . ln assorted us.... cd simes. 245 SCREEN MATERIAL RKegular sereen uiouIding. g Ex- Per lineal t................. rail la- 1"xS" edOi pie ocre, stock. 848, per Ilmeal Et........ 4"xr cear laps eeen stock. C 848, per lineal t............. .Q