cess Wolf ei Gray- of Camp biuux, ruebso, Navajo Uand'0»lu- dians., His knowledge of authentic India n lore and modes of life is. in- exhaustible. He has written anum- ber of articles and books, illustratcd by himself. He is at present conduict- hing. an <Indian Lore Club" for ont of te leading juveuile publications in this country. Chief Gray-Wolf will teach Ind ian song-s,i .dances, cere- monies , pageants, handicraft,- camp craft, etc., to the boys'at ,Camp O-* Both'Princess Memengwa and Chief Gray-Wolf willi conduct an "Honor ýSociety" for the girls and boys. In-ý diani names will bc given each mens- ber, during an authenic tribal cere-ý mony. Al the Councils wiIl be held in the tepees of, the Indians. Only'. the best all-around caxnpers will be eligibie lfor the loner societies. 1Henry I. $zsmanski, director of Camp 0-Ki-Hi, expects this, thie fourth summer, to be by far the moit interesting, al-around educational and character-building season'ever 0-KiHi, nd wll e inchare ~offered at the institution. cri-iatd wo cin t argeIndof The regular activities of Camp 0- camp cat odcatadIda Ki-Hi are swimmiflg, riding, creative IOi, dramatics and speech re-education, Princess Memengwa, who will live nature study and camp craft, physical in ber native tep.ee in the girls' section îherapy, woodwork, miusic, boxing and Neiui Tissbon Ail car s!0hv 'HI) --ô- --4. Iindian lore have appeared i several ýmagazines. Her interpretation of *Jn.ý dian Iegends, songs. and dances, lier skull in basket rnaking and bead- weaving are excelled by but few of the older Indians of today. Princess Memengwa's program at Camp 0-Ki-Hi will consist of sigu languages, legends, symbolism, eth- nological history, authentlc rîtes with Sûizsnd 2,datlncer# iz weaviniz. art- 1Neat technique and pieasiflg tone quality' were noted by north. shore friends who gatheréd on Sunday eve- niing at the home of Roger Baîke in South Deere Park for a "preview"' of the prograni for the concert he is to give at the Ravinia Village bouse, Wednesday evening, May 29. No rth Shore business concerrns and an m posing list of patrons are sponsoring the vounir artist's solo appearance :i At Ail Centrella and Other 3M4 W. Jackson 1Dvd. ~LEoe. K.dzi. Sme Udgar A. Stoens'.Iv io