A-- *164.50 -u Us7 ~sw~ fil fthsl.hi. .sY f~wSus LORDFS .-,.'.ml OUR tS Decause ot the adverse conditons wider which it is applied, the reporter boldly rang the belÎ and« *as at once ushered into the basement studio. An informai introduction .was -followecl by in anitmated conversation carried on whil e in spection lof this and. that piece o.f artistrv was 'made. M4r. Butz., a jovial, kindlyP courte- ous gentleman,, explained his. "Ipro-ý fesin"as that -of makinig something out of nothing. "And that is almost, litcerally truc," hle said. "ýAt ieast, 1 make them out of materials that would 1otbcrwise be waste." Dirccting atten- Ition successivcly toiniodels of ancient Athenian palaces, an *old Germai! castie on the Rhine, a. Chinese tei- pie, a modern English' residence, a T. -S. Navy submarinc 'destroyer. cleverly designed letter. openers. andý iôther creations of his artistry, - he con - tinued: "Made of discarded cigar boxes, or berry crates Ieft by the grocer. or pieces of wood et rieved. froin the kindling pile,. Sec those towers of the German castie? Paper mailing tubes, such as are used in sending calendars and unframed pic- tures through the mails." H.. a Dooadogge 'hy," said the reporter in aston- ishment, "*you are a natural born hn ndnuLLà- -uWh- , The Crafisoiz atWork ini Hir Studio ing. In -N'ew York the c Pa ted- eral ingredient of, the 'aiphabetical soup, employs teachers to instruct the unemploycd in the art of doing ex- actly that.~ The explanation brought the situation back to the proper basis. in response to an inquiry as to why behad taken up this, miost int.crcsting avocation, and what its purpose, Mm. flutz said: ."For many years I wasactilve on the, l-Iiagm wtat is iind :o eyes wich can- To obODt E S Iflot endure the glare of stronger Tays. SUPPl'y woi EI ,IThe Chinese pag'ë oda is also a night to bring li lamp, while ýthe Chinese temple, the genius dire it out ess, to Mrs. William s to do, worth avenue, R~ is his. tain a group of -bridge- luncheon. 43 lCçniI- ill enter-. .nds. at a