We have a reputaton to maintaif ... First and Iast we ar e pharmacists. Dur standing with both customenrs and'phyuiciansis known. and we will continue,,to maintain the higéiest type of prof essional Service. Your Local Inde pendenit Pharmaciis. Pint WAR on ANTS Ibde 350 "M~TOL AST KILIZR setof 4 40e Palmotive S4VN Molle BROSHLESS CRIA Noxzeýma. FOR BURNS 37c- Soc sii# 3 4 Soc sise 3 9 c . mu ~(ailght dui Listeri ne orHÀs 14-os. s, se,. sec V.Imum r. Luii, 49 4-.....:3e. Crea.m......... % Charmis Cu 1Crmeai.ML * v.anla as F..]"ed y. BaIL $135- *Fi&ce Powder, Eft. Molli Spr.y, M#ath KIilhrCrystaIs, sppv"v. U. 3. DepI. Puit witlm garnt be $120 sige I Tc.th Peste. IDGE J gI W Ridge Ropd Mv23.-1935, Pi914 Il ennisIfflilb 1