w----------J co S t çuu ig c.L efore you play PRACTIC-E joHNSO'g PAl XIWAY Lake.Avenue & Skokie1 FÉloyd JohnsonjoePaletti Kyr Lattoon, sensational youiig star who is now pro at the Northmoor Country club, and Dick -Metz. ftETURN PROM EAST Mr. and Mrs. Leon Allen, 258 Mel- rose avenue, returned *Monday to Keniiworth. 'They stopped at White Suiphur Springs, where Mr. Allan attended a Railroad committee méet- ing, 'and then went :to Hartsdale, N. Y., to visit their daughter. and faiý#iy, the, E. D. Siaters. 'The Allens' two sons came on from New York ta see their.,parents,. E Mrs. Oilin Wahl- of Evanston, w as "~luncheon hostess Tuesday: to ber bridge club, most of whose members are Kenilwortb and Winnetka Women. Among the citations which com- prised the lesson-sermon was the fol- iowing from the Bible. "Unto thee, 0 Lord, do 1 lift up my soul. Shew me thy ways, 0 Lord; teach m e thy paths. Lead me in thy truth,, and teach mne: for tbou art tbe God of ny saàlvation'; on thee do I wait: ail the day" (Psalrns 25: 1,4,15). The leqsson-'sermüon aiso included the,',followlng passages from the Christian Science textbook, "Science and H4eaith witii Key ýto thé Scrip- tures,,",by Mary Baker Eddy: "Mort-, ais must gravitate Godward, their af- fections and aims- grow s iritual- they must, near: the broader inter- pretations of. being, end gain, some proper sens e of the infinite- inorder that- sin aànd m ortality may be put off" (P. 265). DAHAI LECTURE "Eternal Life"l is the subject on whli Albert Wïidfst of Chicago wilI deliver a talk in Foundation hall, B-aha'i Universal House of Worship, Linden avenue and Sheridan road, Wilmette, at the Sunday afternoon se rvice on May 26 at 3 :30 o'clock. high scbool. He will give two lectures, F. D. Frisbie, faculty sponsor of the clujb, announces,, one for grammar school pupiis and high. schooi students in the afternoon, and another for adlts -in the evening. Each, of the- lectures. wiil be-illustrated witb sound motion pictures and will be concerned with Byrd's second expedition to tbe ant- arctic., Out'standing among bis expériences on the second penietrat ion of the South Polar regions was the four and a haîf, mo.nths he spen-t alone in a snowbound hut'in the heart of Littlie America. The famous explorernearlyý lost bisý life on that occasion. 0f this and, many other tbrilling adventures Byrd W'i.l tell when' he visits. New Trier next1 fail., His appearances o .n the nortb sbore wilI be, the- only one on tbe Chicago area, it is a.nnounced. 'RETURN TO 511OË Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wolfe and- famiiy of Shaker Hei'gbts, Ohio, wbo left Kenihvwùrth a year ago, wiil arrive n ext week to take an apartment at tbe Oak Crest.in.Evanston." Tatmah's Corciially Invite Youto Their Annual Table Setting Con test HelkI Each Year in Cooperation waih, the Evanston Junior League Visit our shop on Friday, Mfay 24eh, and see "what the well-dressed table is wearing'i. . the fo-rmai- dinner table, the Summer luncheon table, the buffet supper table. the wedding breakfast table, a Jubile. table set with aid Englijsh silver. . . sec flics, and Là~e ~1WAASEE Cou-ntrti Club 707 Church St.. Evanston .. ....... ................ .....b................... Ciy ........... 'Gm OENINGDECORATION ,DAY. MAY 3OtIt il lie. W Aka