insowom -Çumàdaalv.rtla.Ments vl) be Be- ce dup to TusdaY ILP. M. for Ior ail three..PaPera . Weenday, S ýP. M. ,for c and Tbhursday 65 'for QLENCOU loW te 4300, Wlnnetia 3SM (Wlnnetka 800 after 6 P. IL.. icdae1216-1217. WtomAND POUND BLVACK CLOTH PURSE LOST IN WINNETKA OR EVANSTON Bat. evening. Reward. Winnetka 2588. PAIR OF 3L3-ltSO lblack case. Lost in Wilmette or Winnetka 34é5 N-l. LOST-BROWN AND WHITE SPRING- er spantel, maie. Nam»e "Cap.' Ite-- wsrd.. WiII finder please cail at 419 .Waahington Ave., Wilmette or, phone Wilmette 8566. 3LTN3-ltp LOST-THURSDAY BETWEE N POST offceanld th and Elmwood, wide iutlI r&oéet th qffi 1U ô0e pUt!erf.1 Reward. Phi. Wllmette 19. 3LTiN3.ltp POUND - P UR PIECE IN WILMEI'TE, Mtore. Phone Wilmette 4406. 3LTN3-ltc WRITE WI. brown. face ai aide. Green (x @,au NPODUCE What's theê ýFlavor? Neither lemen., nor vanullai, ln fact: it hais..nio.,ine, but there lns somethinig about the taste of Mellody'arms Dairy milk that makes It especially desirable for. drinking.. IWHY NOT TRY_ TT TITS, WEEK? Mellod y Farms .Dairy ILake- Forest Wilmette 4489 24LTN3lte Cottage. Cheese, 10c Pt. MI. .9LIC Sc QUART T. B. TESTED AND PAS$TEUIRIZEý4ýD Locust Farm Products 1225 W11mette Avé., 80o' Ridge Ave., Wil." 908 Linden Ave., Hubbard Woods, ____________24LTN3-ltp BEST LANDSCAPING PRODUCTS AT LOWEST PRICES A-1 virgin black soil, especiaI1y suitable for lawns.-no lumps, weeçls, or Skokte dirt. 3 yds., $5; 4 yde., $6. Cow manure, $10 load. Sod, 4c sq. f t Rubbish. re- mnoval, $3 Ioad. Also gardening and iawn work. E; C. HAGLUND, 514IICH sir, 34L3-ltp WHITE EXPERIENCED )LAUNDRESS wants laundry. to 'do at. home. Dried outside. Best references*; Cali for and delivqer. Phone Glencoe .55. 34LTNq3-1tp LAUNDRY WORK BY THE DAY, OR bundie. washing to take hom~e. Good North Shiore. references. Phone eve- nîngs. WlImette* 4914. 34LTNS-ltp WANTED - LAUNDRYWOR-K TO S take home., Will call for and de]]iver. Also go out by >the day ýPhone Wl)- mette, 2153, 34LTN3-ltc MUSICAL INSTEUNENTS DEA-TH IN FAMILY FORCES ME TO give up my musical studies. We are, breakintg up our home. Wouid dispose at a great sacrifice my Steinway> Grand Purchased *4 years, ago, also fine. old Violin. W,111 conisider terme tô reliable People. Reference required. -Àddress B~-188, Box 40, W11mette, ILi.40LTNI-3te STEINWAY GRAND. PIANO, MODEL B. Walnut. $860. WiI1 talçe smaller iano In frade 1#olcourt 270.Âpt. 1303. 40L3-ltp FAINTIN99_AND .DgCORATIN__ Paint, Paper 5 Rm-s., $34.50 CE ILINGS CALC., $1 UP SANITAS AND CANVASING WORK Rni. walipaper cleaned, $1; bathroom enameled, $5 up; kitchen palnted, $0 uP. 5 rms. tirs. washing, varnished, $8. Stucco finish,, outside painting, porches, $15. Windows, 50c. Refs. Free estimates. Materials furntehed. TAN RIDING BOOTS - Size .6. -Like new. $5. 679 Hill Rd. Winnetka 1733 59TLTNs-ltp LOANO ON AUTOMOBILES Conifidential sénie, legal rates MOTOR LOAN. CO. State Bankk Bldg., Evànston. ore. ligo. gr5LTN36-tfe Pauline'*S Empi. Agencies NO CHARGE TO EMPLOYER Efficient Servie for North Shore Homes WB INVESTIGATE REFERENCES COMPETENT HELP Willnette 2171 Davis 7777 Fourth & Linden 634 Davis Opp. '. Term. Evanston. 111. 66LTN3-tfc, -Carlson',s Empil. Agency 818 ELM STREET WINNETKA. 3329 H elp ca.refu1ly s.elected, wI.Lh specte.! attention to experience, reference, and general qualifications needed for each particular position.* PRIVÂTE, ROOMS, FOR INTERVIEWS 661PN3-tfe SITUATION WANTED-VEMALE DOMESTIC HELP High Grade Domestic Help Available. For Any Position in Your Horne REFERENCES INVESTIGATED NO CHARGE TO EMPLOYER, PROMPT EFFICIENT SERVICE S-h-a-v ]Empl. Apyencv WII4METE 2770 P. N. ORIESTE3 AMICI Generail andscaPe and Garc Contract or by Hour. Beut r, CALL EVENINQS OR NOC] Glencoe 1397 422 O4 27 BLACK DIRT 13 YDS. -$5. SI ft. Hardwood for fireplacë -Ash $8 ton delivered. Gust 435 idge Rd., Wilmette 452. PLANIrs AND BULI Work Reas. EOUR. de Ave,.- N52-4tp 42LTN61-tfe OSCAR A. ANDERS ON SIPAINTINd ANýD DECORATING We do. Interlor and exterior nointini VW . RAVE AVAILABLE 1ST -CLASS GENERALS, NURSES, SECONDS, COOKS AND COUPLES. Frank's Domestic Burea 421 Richmiond Rd.: Keniiworth 5221 A A~~ altrs lS ln IAPKE i2!z1 jý Ave, Ws Uaa UUy 1sold. 808 L 1blk. S. 7L3-ltp D«Igu. -r NURSE. la T ati, 3l s3eiCai