Ut. ;.9jý ka,15 î9lâ3ltp GARDENER. WITH 15 YRS.' ýEXPERT- - nce on the North Shore wants work by the ,day or hour. Cail 6-8, P. M. Glencoe 282. 69L-ltpi FILIPINO. EXC. COOK, .VALET, v driver, houseman. MÉperienced.. N. S. references. Sunntyside 2801. 69LTN3-ltp UiT. WDmA^Lx AND EML Flnnlsh, 28-38, Evanaton refs. Golrmian, 28-30, N. S. ref&., German, 3 5-34,. exec. refs. Sweédish 28726, good refs. Danish, 30-40, 3% yrs. last place. Reinhart Enipi. Agency 748 'EIm st. Wlnnetka 3399 TOLTN3-ltc Reinart mpi.Agency HIGH GRADE DOMESTIC HELP Nurses, chauffeurs: and gardeners. 148'Elm St. Wlnnetka 3399 7OLTN514tfe 1 couple, colored, 8 yra. last placé. - $100 Jet clasa gardener, 5 yrs. Iast place. CENTRAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCY WUghlànd Park,. 111. Glencoe 160 ____________________ 70L3-ltp NXPERIENCED GERMAN COUPLE, 33 years old., Wife, good cook. Man --chauffeur, butier, Iouseman. Win- netka 3218. 70LTN3-ltp HELPWATDFML DOMESTIC HELP EXP. AND WELL RlECOIMENriED Good Wages Lindgren ]Emp1. Agency Established 25 years 799 Elm St. Win. 1447 _____________________71bTN2-tfe * Beauty Operator. MUST BE A-i MANICURIST AND IIGER WAVER. PI1ONE GLEN- COE 452. 7lL3-ltp COMPEITENT WHITE HELP WANTED with good references. AÀIYly n porson. ALL EMPLOYMENT SERVICE 463 Vernon Ave. Glencoe 251 11lLTNIS-tfc WHITE GIRL, GEN'L. SOME EXPERI- ee-pleln cooking. Smali bouge.ý 3 yr. old 'cblld. $6 to start, $7 withb ironing. -Ownm room. Wlnnetka 664. 1 Danlah couple . .......10 8couples........ ...$0té $95 13 Genieral mIaids.-40,$12 and $16 13à Generais ...................575 19 Mothée belpers..........$5-$6 lat clans -houseinan $7 CENTRAL 'EMPLOYM-EN. AGENCY ý Highland 'Park, I1.Glenco. 160 7312-1p. EXPERIENCED' HELP KEEP IN CON-TACT WITH US NEW1 POSITIONS OPEN DAILY Fran*k's, Domestic Bureau 421. Richmond Rd. Kenilworth 621 Apply in Person COUPLES, COOICS, SECONDS,* GEN- ERALS AND NURSES. GOOD WAGES. Carlson's Empi. Agency; No* at 818 Elm St. Wlnn. 3928 73LTN3-ltc WANTED - WHITJE COUPLE. WOM- an, cooking and upstairs work. Man, serving, downstalrs work and gardenlng. Good wages. Give experlence and ret- erences., Write B-193, Box 40, Wilirette, Ili. 73LS-ltp Experienced couples, 'colored. Experlenced couples, white. jOHNSON'S EMPL. AGCY. 1428 Wilmette Ave. Wllmette 4144 73LTN3-ltp USErD CAR BARGOLINS CADI1LLAC COSTS TUROUGH- GMAC PLANS Doi P& :35 Nash, 6 cyl. 5 Sedan, like new .-e1 '33 Auburn 5 pass. sedan . '28 Lincoln 7 Imperlal, FULL PRICE9 >34 Olda Deluxe coupe............. .1 '33 Buick- sport cpe., 6 wire whla. '33 Ford tulor sedan, 5 W. W. '34 Chev. coach, black 6 wbls. '30 Franklin conv. sed., 5 W. w. '30 Lincoln 3 wlndow town sedan 133 Olda touring Bed., 5 whI . .. your moriey. Go.6to TWESCOTT MOTORS,hInc. BUY THE CAR 0F YOUR CHOICE ON CONVENIENT TERM,.. 1934-Deluxe Ford coach. This is an .eiteptional dlean car. Only....8 1931-Buick light 8 Sedan, very good condition tbrougbout, only...... $346 60 other good used.cars to choose from. WESCOTT MOTORS, mnc. 1245 CHICAGO AVENUE, Gire. 8000 Open evenings-until 10 FMOR SALE-AUTrOS PLY3MOUTH.I 33 P. D. CONVERTIBLE coupe.. New radio, heater, and, many extras., Low mileage. Original' owner. Sel! or trade for Chev. 31 roadater and finance balance. Winrietka 1400. 77LTN-ltp rebuilt top. Look like '31 model. Econ. 4 cyL. engine, rumbfr seat, aide mou nts. A snappy young man's car. $120. Phone LA SALLE 1928, SEIDAN, SPOT LIGIIT and heater, eiectric windsbield cleaner. Good condition., Best offer. Phione Wil- mette 759. 77LTN3-ltp FOR RENTr-ROONs 1 OR 2 LARGE l«>OMS WITH BATH and shower; private borne; near transp. Gentlemen only. 824 Foxdals Ave. Phone Winnetka 2010. WINNETKÀ 171 82L-ltp ESPECIALLY ATTRACTIVE SPACI- oua living room, rollaway bed. 1 block North. Shore sation. 1119 Central Ave. *sn Phone Wiimette 6362 or 3256. ay't 82LTN3-ltp. .zLARGE MAHOGANY-FURN. ROOM. iii Two closets. Private porcb and pri-, 35 vate bath. 2 bîka. from lake and tranap. 285 .euifl neighborbood. Winnetka 2144. 150 WEL.82LTN3-ltp 185 WL FURNISHED LARGE AIRY 145 single or suite of rooms. East aide 245 location. Garage available. 815 Foreat 285 Ave., Wiimette.; Phone Wilmette 858. 150 82TJI'MLltn. 460 WlnnetkFa. Avenue Wil ~kBlk. Maat of Indian Hill -4ALTY nnetka 1800, Il Stàtion. 92LT'N3-ltc, LINDEN SMANOR. or two boerou4 $5, and 80.M FRANK A., REID 94ud:[nin Avenue, Hubbard Woods) Wlineétka 1360 SUBLEA&srI-A BEAUTIl.JL04 11001 .apertmeut acroaste frot of an en- tire wing. All large, outaile rooma, tlled wàll bath electric refrlg., etc.:Clo00e to --V, -anA beach., THIE LINDEN'CRFST KRoLL & SMITH, 43 Iânden Avenue Wilmette 600 FOR RENT - ADULTS ONLY. EXTRA good 5 fL. apt., ln bouse, ln good resid,)ntal district.' Special 10W rentai to sure, reliable people. 1008 Qakwood Mreý, w1lmette, 111. 92LTN8-tSe MODERN APT., 4 LARGE UNUtSUAL- ly attractive rooms and bath. 2nd Iloor. Conv. to tranap. uchools, etc. Sbhown by appt. Wilmnette 381. 92LTN3-1 tp 5 LARGE, AIRY ROOMS. FURNACE heat, near schoola and business., Rea- sonable rent. Heated garage. 1501 Washington Ave. Wihnette 417. 92LTN3,ltp 3 RM. APT., BAT'H AND SUN PORCHE- garage. : Furnlsbed or unfurn. Light and gan included. ,Phone, Winnetka 639 FouRgmIt-rURnumHED APTO. LIBRART PLAZA OWIMRS: 1. 2, 8-room apartmenta. Complet. hotel service. Modern electrie kitchenc. Cen- trai Iocation LIBRARY. PLAZA Orrington Ave.. ut Churcb St., Evanston. Ulni., 8000 Mrs. Ehl lr tMr. .............. Routes port. inI. du6Ce 414p . 1