de mrl. ,a ta-j Trhe Neilhburhood circe wilI nieet on Tuesday, September 17, at 1 p,. ni. for dessert luuicheon at the home ofMNrs. D. C. Arlington, 1034 Ramonia road. 'Mrs. 14. Hl. 3McMIllien will be the asaisting hostess. mai), .an- two more >a boxes, al method e"s.. The toher ztd Trhe TuxIs club, the hilh school grou of Young people, wili begin lt,, meeting Suriday evening, September 29, .at 5:3 oik.Al the Young people are In- vited to be present. A I3undle carnpaigni for the LChristia Indtistriai.league wlll be-held Sep)teiihber" '23 to Octobet' 7., Further airnouncenient will foiiow. Next Sundav, at S p. ni, the fir,;t in a seriesu of miontiy evening services m-11 )>e cond ucted. These wilI be heid on thie tlîird Sunday evening of each month. Stvr»on xubject: "Cheerful *Christianity." 1 Po you doubt that there i.s -uch athing? Cot'and learri otherwlse. The Senior Walther h laguc ineets Fri- day at 9 . i. . Englisit Lutheran ' Kenilwortk Union Seventh street at Gr*eenileaf Dr. Hierbert L. Wil1ett iinîluister "&e House of Wor-ý,hip" The Rev. David iR. Kabele, pastor Dr. Wilett's subject for Suffay moriti. - ing, Septembea' 15,. wiil be, "The (lospel * SUNDAY SEBI'ICES' of Beaütyý." l't. vh erviice is at 111rch sclhpoi', . 9:45at. o'lock. oining worship........Il a. n. 1ther league....... 5:30 1)..i A cor~di'alinvit.ati'aî i s 'exteiidegi 0, tht~oen,,t tteniiine c har.'h elsexliere Io AX nursery ýilt int.ntalr(l duriaig ti1. churtch lia ur for the convenienc'e of pal etits Wfio wish to inct'heir"hldi w h~. tb~ .ttunad th* el rvi<ý. Bapitist Ckurch ~VapîteandFoe'ta nu chi, #idrthe direction of NI ss. i j -oh. Iligh sehool Y-ong p~>i.w tt'e Iaasel in singing are lVtEt' T<atiaarow (Ii'idv),at 2 4>('iii<'k, th-' a n litial Chritmîas party for Miss Eriii Brda" ur 'y to 1V ~' t, -,ýtilil