tur, of- KenikvortIt ruportc<I to the ckil regarding plan. for a ranit * tib ~.icd<itirt rsduringic hiw~inert uit nths. I hu t, rport watiale n - tii thc n \t mcctîng, to Cenalle bis c4fhlttetv to gathe~r addtion1l data.I Junior Garden Club, H'a',Exhibit and Tea NJs Samuel Clark,135 Fuller latte, ýýas :hostess* at tea \ede<vof last weck to the Keiiilwortlî Ji uior (Garden icltib WhiclI hetd it, annutal exhibition. of flower arrangement i n iotir classes at. that timie. 'Flecfol- lowl,'tg nC mebers woi aNvards : liite