i tiest', ~.IianIU4v i. lB! ti~ I i 111 C nci lis tis Mr. Marvin Lowenthal, u<itor. for- '(ilulludtavored to flot onJi' inailitalil vigilcorrespondent, pubhhitî tid:j ist> lilal tand ird tof exbutîv. author. lias ni recent vears div îded! !~ iira~tii it ot reisVcars %itîh his tinie betweet Ane rîia nio. a lagvîiitnilt rot eCttrvseifl and- îiî \rtl, .friea, IHe has contrib- inl.- t widt r t pc oî* >jccts thauiî itcd to ntîxnerotis puric~als oni i ia~.hvîre icei alu uter.*\ current Furopean atïair, and ()i ~twvo? dt.natie, ioftlic qwpakt.s hstr lvepios1î tî< n anid thc IlbuJU t1lteý\ mll (iel> j lic, tffan's. He %villit~Ck (,,ilMust t'OIVil ifL~U~ideiC tat lis .93-3i urope Go to W'ar? 'lîîe'd,ý. a t lmiior'îaniv t.venliig,ý ol îay 8 ligil iotr t ngail iîîfonî1 Dr. Sigihid Spaeth, poptilar >pîk- <llstis!OI1. .er itI(wr-itel 0on inutsit i ,n lu1c Fot wiic ach Ici-~hccw11 vitic of '\e\\V ?ork 1E eînîg Niai!ý bc ea n i n ft-inaliv t1toniî omr lM xvi eh Ianîd for a aîuirof leadingninaga- t lic aludienlce i> , 1\itivd to liarticipate.cw. IHe is the author- of se-vvral .'Altlntgh ue nnl>cr ofilectuires 1)44. 1(5. leiiiot recent of whlcl is.. Here' I s a Sale for Baby! Notable Values In Seasonable Things For Tiny Tykes