I ;or>rnvý,. sl)ett tlic 'ii1iiur il -am "tlh. 1)0(1\', tlic coliege is ¶ <OakOeîg iiin gdu Sup vin ijif .expanding its 1) teni>er L3. Nfr. ntjId \1 . PIlîer, al tI(iarti)lciits this fail.J Jeanne tijd I)trothjý. ;i-( Icving to tI('\ courses scheduled in t miotiôr casi, \\.iert- _kajnîwý o of LiI>urai A\rts are mèîtt N\ )ltlnt 1(Ivk andi 1loroti Il\ t, iisoh of. religion, S( Xor~axntonSchool for G;irl, aiter .,sopi Aericanl draina. Whlich Nlr. alid M rs. Fýisltr wji' llo religion in the contenipora tor to Cape Codj to' attend( a ioulse Clinical tests, renaissance partv. alid tl1,cnl inotor thirt>uel thle reconstruction period, and c a >1. geoiogy. New ýcourseýs int -Of Commiiierce ilnclude pircli RETURNS FROM MAIN£ fice administration. retà.il s .\Ir,, F~rank Nasoni, 733 Cumm,î -terational trade and bisir avetne, Kenilivorth, retuirne<î( îast 1'lism. wcek froîi a t-,%(- îx>tlsvsin 'i Maille, spendirig two weeks %vitlii rs. VISITS RELATIVES1 s- the Ing ' ]n ;jour- We 'Il prove R in your owii next irouing