glt: ~- -ui riay *L**y 4i4> r 4Uan * tatke y>u)ir whole falilv T.u,,a. rsu is. , 14sprioriialie.ç in tis tirsit . Mason. dayv aifd Satturday o>f neuxt .~ek D quC)art1llt~ (Ji uýlce picture to he re- .~igr'is the attractii. dd.Isfî-oig andf p)acks, a JOE'S-"IN THE EINI a ~Firt National announces that its 110Z helongs on ffhe 'nîuisî" liq. ']'ie 41iarii galc '1 ila n n )yrkSpeie production schedule in- Doors op offvrs grandI eîtertalillicrnt, wif lan ý ar WU~I] .Citsî 1\bilc xrt Armnstrong cde nth Lei,"taxring Joe at 1 :3 i playing ai uttie sliiiru-'r] ý\ Il,, huma s til Luirln1 portravai o>f flic liard1- F.. Brown. The. pictiure is to er-Dor b<'ltl 1"hnacriîîir.leased in the winter. Do:3u C. a P'ark Av1i f)ulv i r irori- 6o p anen~~sit clear wh 'v sIlc i î- Elisabeth Bergner Perfect ShiDo I(d lewi won<lcr cii. Nét eîsd adTrdv at the h Jackije Searl's ri ' elî therc as the rc- \Vjbîîctic flhealer 1llisa;l)ethi Bergner Thursd .geneuratedl sissy, w1ille .P.Hgiai (Id 1dalilatic. SwVýI in~sc Me 4 WValîer King top the adulîts. * Nyr"a iagnificent screeni version of Wihnette Ha.. "Lady Tubbs" trIle stage sucswitl 'Miss BergnerC \While ianv iflûvie p)atronls wCl 1).e thie uali wbn is : *adopî[ed' Ihy a young Ji àttracted t() thie Tcaîr< (Ici I.agtJ otiier, nladlcap mlusical genitis. Iligli Sinclair tro 1 111(1n just what ithev wanî t am onsae l5le panon thb>2ter. the ~t .Žilt ue re xeln iisp ~-