bé Friu F, -étel tt là~' At -t ' - the SùFb ý tegte Fitt ,<ttt i it --F- - t-atFF - Fitt---- --- F - - Fie Tre*vù o ii .Fti t ' t t t t-tttF -tt-t--tt- F -tte ts -t-tFts t-t it-tt c s n i >1 2 and t -t t t F -t -t -tttt-ti- ~~-~-tt -t-ttt j~~ - ---t t--t- t -t-t - -t --tr--Fm-t-tt---t-tt- F - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - paign. Victo-y-ove F t-tt-tt tF- t t-t -~- tt-t--tttt-- :--ett t--F-t-t----tttteF>a tttft -tt - -~~~ 0 u.1t d mean .-ta F<FttF ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i y$F-- Ft-~t-t4 F t F~ -tca -tt tt A- -t -- champitnt'hip -t--ttintet- i u t a c m a t i ) al yh B r v k , anxius t w in, Frsi ozc?(lef to ight: MaagerLazeeitt, HaveyLain, -tt. WFdor La-t taura $c-t CahC Ml ine sj ta et -t -ty -t ---<. -t -t ' e> Ma ste Kr-t,~ ~<J ~oJj ah r ~aKM4~ û~£eMs.Rdi BroznL ej## Bei Phto -t~ ~ 5 o .Mln is line te orth- - )irhrw ok.J e~M d ~ISk4e.J#~ oi~n /d West~~~~- -tfeene jwvoge membeisto E-tteï 0 Both New Trier -and Moltine have A seties of successive grddiron-d---- big fast, hard-chrgigtUneis beid feats extendiag over a period of six t which speedy anhd capable backi s ISW8At~~41~ StUy- work $1l the. tricks of modern dayir}Ihib~ ~~y- fot*af1. New Trier pariculary bas wl'ippe it jinx rival, Evastil, on - . te latter~s fie-I, 21 te> 6. gans The tea as -thlei s ton. ano defeats. Thiis, FThe -Sulburban leagise ts consi4rd-addt as strong as any bigh school league nn cnee~ in te Chcag are, an Ne Trir'swins, gives New in te Chcag are, an Ne Trir'sTrier a season s record as champion of that league recor4o in speaks for itself. Here are the scores recordh iorie of New Trier's league games: icores New Trier 13, Proviso 6. ihtonore N~ew Trier 19, Mortonl 0. tgaines coing p New Trier 7, Waukegan 6.F- Moline at Mobine New Trier 13, Oak Park 7.t~ti Stra n New Trier 20, Deerfteld 0.J hsStraan New Trier 21, Evanston 6. Champaigu at Topple AllOppositon Bob Wae*o New Trier on ?esides sweepig its Suburban -t Thanksgivlng day. league scheduiIe New Trier won three Oak Park, which has been runnifig tnon-conference scraps. The victims up high scores on most of its oppon- were Woodstock, .32 to 0, Biloonm ents, finished second in the Silburban Township of nhcg egt,6to league race, with four victories, one and Dundee, 27 te o. . seoreless tie and one defeat <by New Moline wilI have the advantagé of Trier). playi on its home field. The gainle A Sw4tT-- tt ievet- wilb et-toteanul6W AtouhNwTirhdtela1 -tn -a t t-t-te a'-tt-<:yt on >w-t-t jhm i n hp i h a e o e t eT ee t re n týb r f t e N w T ir H g c ol v r y f obl Evt-t-t Fa e th r Fiý -t. oo foo t al let-t er e fro -t-t-t-lt tH i i7 reas -t -tt--tt-c-i-tt-FFt--t- st f aretttt-ttttjtt~ ie ai- la g -tas re reFFs l for -tz -' Fx e l n -co l a e h n r d o e t a n hy t e c a p o s w n e o r c r n t g i i o titisiF FF jiFiF se s n H ea C o-t F. F-t FFt--tFFt--tt>tb-FF-j--tt c n t hundredof thee lettrmen wll be pank thir Evaston rvals. ne--------in----------------------fooball-fo-------------------i---i t'FFi