M.yron I. Sparr, former theater manager in Wil bette, died of he.art attack last Thursday at Paxton, 111. Mr. Sparr was 50 vears old. lie man- aged the old Village theater froin the tinie it bpelcd i June. 1914, in whlat is now the *irst National bank building until januarv. 1922. For about a vear MNr. Sparr also inanaged the old Central theater, which occu- pied the sanie location as the present Wilinette theater and ivhich, during Mr. Sparr's nmanagership, wias .owNved by the sanie interests that controlleci the, Village theater. After resigning as manager of the Village theater MIr. Sparr went into ble estâmated tmat the damage iVould range between $100 and $150. Two runs were made by thé Wilnw.tte firemnen in the past week to extin- gbish automnobile blazes. One . oc- curred at 1633 *Highland avenue last Fridav night about 7:30 o'clock and rsled in sliglit damage. An9ther a2233 Lake avenue on Sunday caused no damnage. Thief Relieves Womtrn of Pur Coats on T1rain direct ",HURTS ONL.Y DIRT" "A Mi UTHE CHC IEAL IN A GLASS"I O0COLATE MALT DRINK