shio%\er. Two parties are plai;,edc for titlis week-end, a kitchen ShoveI St lurdav afternoon by Mrs. Skiles and a <inner Suiîday b)v Mrs. Louis Nel- son andl Miss Marg aret Nelson of Chii- *cago. Saturday aftertioon, December 7, Miss jean: Robinson of 4ý6 Eider lance will be licotess at a tea andl liîiihoer and thec folIowing dayý M r. and Nlrs. Ortitund are cutertain-t ing thebridai partv at a 'Sunday niglit1 suipper and(l aaîdkerchief shomwer ai their humie iii Nues C'enter. 'lhle las t of the sliowers ivilI be given by -Mrs. Frcd.ericl, (rook Decenîi)er 11, we the bride -,vill receive gifts for the bathrooin. part,,ini lactories bv nien who knew littie even about' the one wagon part on which cadi one wvorked. Inven- tions have relieve< men and Nvomen of labor lie stated, ani science,. re- ligion and progress are. tlking now. The prolilern isp't, "Are wve coming aOIng?"' but "Flow are wve coming along-uinderstandingly or flot?" We have nany plateaus. Experinients are the order of the day, lie said ini conclusion. How to ac- conlinodate ourselves to the new leisure is the problem.-F. B. M. GOWNS COATS SUITS