TWO "HCH>POT" VALUES FOR MIN MENS NEW FALL SHIRTS BROADCLOTH, SATEEN Specal!Indirect METAL FLOOR LAMP $10 wftI. siode Bronze finish bue with Bra-, zilian onlyx. Uses 100-200300 watts. for controlled light-. ing. Hand-tailored, silk shade in champagne. Stndard Collar ,1~ FsCle.*NwPaoterus Amiazing Falilvalues in fine: grade woven Ntc colaàr and middy styles in fine quality sýhirting materiais. Cut fuIl, well made. Sies materiaL.- Cut fuli, nicely ,tailored. 14 to 17 in regular sleeve lengths. Kent' BuftMi-Down. Coller $1» PAJAMAS . Choice of 9 or 5-.ounce glass in ruby, royal, amber, green, crystal, rose. They're attractively designed - and are perfect for informai use. Ouistanding values., MOTI ONS, .2 bc ebox ok. ... .. DELICAClES Crubm.ot ...... ............... 1... 3 fns fr95e Old MonkOlv Ol ................ quart. $1 ...... s M. F. & Ce. Tomai'. Juice Shrlimp .................... Co!,ssolup. .8 boffles. $1 Iumporl'od Caviar ................ 3 fins@ S Olives....... . ..... 6 fins. $1 4 fins,$1 WILMETTE: LIFE