Northwestern 6 Northwestern 20 Northwestern 25 Northwestern 7 1918 -Iowat.23 Northw estern 7' 1 19 IWa 14 Nerthwestern O 1920 Iowa 20 Northwestern 0 1921: Iowa 14 Northw"stern 3 192Iowa 37 Northwestern 14 1923, Iowa 17 Northwestern 13 1926 Iowa 6 Northwestern 12 1927 Iowa Northwestern 19 1931 Iowa. 0 Northwesitern 44.. 1932. Iowa 6, Northwestern 0 1933 Iowa 7 Northwertern 7 1934 Iowa 20 Northwestçrn 0 1935 IowaO iGamne8 -wonlby Iowa-13;,.by Northwestern-7.,'ledý-2. Nortbwestern and Iowa,' wbose football rivîalry, dates f rom 1897, will coilaborate in' opening' thée 1936 Big Ten gridiron campaign at Dyche staýdium, Saturday. -A crowd of: 35,000 wiIi l>e- on band to witlness, the 'Ïiauguration of another. Western. Conlference season. It wiIl be the first start of the year for the Wildcats wbile Iowa tuned up last Saturday wilb a 14-O victory over -Carleton. As expected, Ozzie ball carrier, proved Simmons, to be the spark piug of the Hawkeye offenlse. The sparkling Negro, balfback bas always turned in a bnilliant performance against Nortbwestern and as a resuit the Wildcats Swiil concentrate on balting hini. Two vears ago Simmons rau. the .elusive as a bail. carrier last year and this season will. have the' added responsibilities of doing mostof the1 kicking and passinig.' Against Iowa last year, Heap was injured on tbe kick off and removed fromfi the game. Botb teams have been- forced tol reorganize',their. backflelds this season due to the graduation, of several of last year's regulars. Iowa will, be witbout the services of Dick Cray ne, a fine bail carrier and, Ieading, conNorthference kicker last year. western lost Hugh Duvall, bard bittinz fullback,- and Wally Cruice, right halfback. Reotarded Ly Injuries Coach- Lynn Waldorf bas, had bis troubles getting together a backfield conbination due to a ruix of injuries lHe. bas fitally a~nd iÏeigibilities, settled on a unit consisting of Don Heap and Clarence Hintoii, balfbacks, Fred Vanzo, quarterback, and Don Geyer, fullback. Th'e latter bas been out with a sprained ankle but is expected to be ready for. action Saturday. In the event that Geyer is unable to start bie will be replaced by Steve Toth. experienced back, and fine kicker. perturmance whicn thrervis nlieto c.ombinations bave been working miore or Iess alternately on the first team. Against the, fresbmen,last .Satur-, dây,:« -Coach. Waldorf started a Une con sisting of Cleo Diebi and John Kovatcb, ends; Dewitt Gibsoni and Bob Voigbts, tackles;m Steve Reid anid Carl Devry, guards,. and Leon Fuller, center. A second., une- combination that will alaso see considérable action is comnposed of Jobn. Zitkoand Hi Benider, -ends; Park Wray and Vange Burnett.,tackles, Les Scbreiber and Mike Calvano, gù.ards. and Edwin Wegner, center. cose.uts.ouî ject "Hear, 0 Israel 1" Colgrees Street SeW. Stop, forShore Trin .An additional convenience stop ini Chicago bas been provided passenger S of the Chicago, Nortb Shore.and vilwaukee railroad starting October 1 when the Congress. street station at the soutb end of the Ioop business dist rict was made a regular stop for ail trains, operating dàài both the' *Skokie Valley and Sho ine routes. The new stop further iteases North Shore line station..ýfacl.fies in and * near -tbeloop, and gives. patrons added accessibility te that section of the dowýntown* Chicago business and botel' district between Van Buren street and RoQsevetroad4.. GIVES DINNER PARTY Miss Barbara Crowe, 234 Raleigh road, Keniiwortb, is giving a small dinner party Friday nigbt of this week in~ honor of Mr. and Mrs. Loçke Carruthers wbo are leaving 9bôn for Wyoming, where Mr. Carruthers, just ordained, is t0. take up bis ministry. Neighbors' Club to Visit Chicago Historical Society The 1XeigTibors of 1(eiilwcrth announices a tour of the Chicago Historical society building Tuesday, October 6, with luncheon at the Harniet Hanimond McCormick niemorial on Nortb Dearborn street. The event, open to' members and their guests, is in charge of Mrs. Paul Clovis, chairman of the art department of the club, who may be called for information. Jai ié We appreciate the enthusiasm shown by the' crowds the Whitaker, Model Home last wee k-end. woVisited I I Real state * Cu ilding e Insu rance .. oans 140 Center Street, Winnetka, Ilinois