QICKLYm EASULY -COMFORTASLY. Thursdlay nights at isiesers.. Thel ten teams have been made possible -because of the' co-operation "of1 local merchants in. or ar 1ounid Wilmette. The sponsors . of Ithese ten> teanis have shown their approval of' the higb grade of talent in the K. of -C. league by their, co-operatioi- with Joseph' 'Rossberger, of Wilmette,: presidenit of the league.. Results of the ýfirst night's games are as follows: Ciagars. 1The bowlers bowling 200 garnles or higher are: Phil Bieser .of the Ben Beyl Cigar, 213; George Bleser of Schacfer'sýý Tave.rn, 211; Doctor F. Getister of Hicks Krier, 210; MaIitin Braun 'of Schaefer's' Tavýern,. 203. Stan dinùgs after thé first inight are:Pet. Ben *BeY Zeutschels Teatro Del Lago Hicks' Tav~ern1 Kréers Bufret Ben Bey, 3;- Braun Bros.,- 0. F.Meiers Tave.rn. Schaefers Tavern, 3: Wm. H. Scotti 0. Wni. Il. Seotts, Zeutschels, 2; Melers 'Lavern, 1. Braun Bros. 1.000o .666 .666 .666 .333 .333 .333 .E00 .000 Plea for books of all kinds to supplemnt *the Iibrary alreay in operaý tion for the use of the 1,200 young men in the Civilian Conservation corps camp in the Skokie valley, w'as issued this %veek by Albert F. Ryan, camp education advisor. Tastes range, Mr. Ryan explained, from those who like adventure stories .exciusively to those of more education or studious habits who. enjoy classics, educational books, texts, and standard reference works. Plea for More Books for Library Use at Skoki-e Valley Camp IIS BRIDEj announced that books' for the camp Whitmack,. WinImette 'librarian, has Try this Ironer yours.flI your own home, on two w..ks' free trial may be left at the library, for the cOnvenience of the residents in the southerii part of New Trier townShip. The Winnetka library, NLr. Ryan added, receiitly cooperated by sending a large number of books to the camp, and hie added that the men of the camp have been greatly ap- PUBLIC u liv1 * nere. anoi mi1Wmakee. aL The course in Writing for Radio, which meets on Mondays from 4 to 6 on the north shore interested in the in the afternoon, is open flot only to field. Registrations are stillt open for university students but to ail. persona the one course.