miarkings left vivid pictures. to be posed of the officers and chairinen who are: coiie rontune to tnebvto conne from'tim by tose rs, Charles Van Deursen, presiwvho were fortunate enoughi to hiear dn Dr. Alice D. Tuttie, first vicelier, and' a very large percentage ofdet president;, Mrs. T'homas E. McElroy, themenersîip~Vs lrcsnt.Als asecond vice-president : Mrs. WVilliamn practical, lesson in knov'iig trues )N- aleKrrtir vc-rede: thei leveswasnîot eligtenng. Miss Clara Nourse. recording secreThe differelnce Of trces in our -t ary - Mrs. F 1rank Haines, correspond-' cillity and our near ineigliliors was a ing secretary; Mrs. Charles R. Bixby, time.ly and' appréciable thoughit. for trcasurer., thi ofth scso yer.M rs. Charles. N. Huribut, NJrs. C. Now that leaves are so conspicuous :P. Berg. ýMrs. Harvey A. Bush', mclmeveryoîecai noy thcm more by bers at lare know%'ing, their kind and as 'the trees Chairmenér of standing' committees-, become bare, learn tlhe tree bY, the Mrlùs. Frank J. Scheidenhelm, memntwigs. Kiowitng.trees by%the twigs be),rship; 'Mrs. WV. A. Kendrick, pub-, andl their idiosyncracies, wilI be part icity; Mrs. McElrov. program'. Mrs. of Mrs. WVatt's talk lu nDecemberi Kerr, 'social; Mrs. Virgil Wvescott, wlîcn she again cornes to thc club. Planit, Flower, and Fruit guild; Mrs'. Thle prograni chairilaiî, Mrs. T.- E. J., Benton Schaulb, librarian ,allé cusIMcElroy, has.,arranged a tour to the todian:ý Mrs. John F. \Needo, printBeiîson Nurseries to sec the orchids. ing: NMrs. C. R. Normtanl, civic lmtheir specialty, for the Nýoveinher provenent; «Mrs. Roscoe il. Sonnemeeting, and reservations 1rnav be bori, and Mrs. A. E. Logic. telephone. muade l>y calling Mrs. Frank.J. SclhejdChairmiwn , f special comiitesenhelm of 80-4 Forest avenue. Mrs. A. E. Gebert, Garden Club of The club) also) voted to take an Illinois Garden anid Flower show:%, active part Ili the planting of the N\rs C. D. Ewer, consulting advisory: Lincoli NI enorial garden, the project- chairmian: M.\rs. E1ldward L. Schieidenit chooses to dIo will be anmouniced hielun and M.\rs. John Clark Baker. later. The ivell kniown garden archi- representatives. to North Shore Gar-, tect. jens Jensen, havinig been given d(en center; Mrs. \Veedon, Lincoln the planning of this inemorial, con MeinoriaI garden: Ms Frank'J siders it the grcatest .vork of Iiis Scheidenihelrn, Nrs. Charles Norman, career and it is cx.pected to he nmore Mrs. Hurlhut, M.\rq. Elier and Mrs. foods of tis area and their tell-tale luui iieÂLg-i ne itj riS is- FROM BLUMS-VOGUE FOR THE PRICE YOU WANT TOPAI prefes ... in distinctive versions of this season's best silhouettes ... in the manner that has earned an enviable reputation for Blums-. Vogue. We feel fortunate in being able to offer you these sleek, silky distinctive. DRESSES4e for Girls - Misses -- Matrons Phone Wilmette 4406 1161-1163 Wîimrette Avenue AT £VANSION 7 0 9 -u CHUWR cH sT RET