833 Elm Street %%Iinnetkei_____iv-___ 22LTN20-4tp Open BEvenlnge 708 Vernon Avenfue Sbop Glenc.çoe Bicycle and sundaYs Gece57 14B-LTN4-tfC MME. EIIERY HAS PENED iJ-RESS7 mnaking parlor in Br1owfl Bid"-., Suite 49.. Gowns,. Coats, Suits. Coats rvliiied, $3.50, Remnod., cutting and fit. Wil. 927-J. YOUR 1HOME(r $3.à0 PER_ DAY. Excluisive Coats. and suits. mine. Phonie eodelýifl moelope. WVIL-ýETTE 4275 WILL BOARD) CHILDREN ydyo.we while parents take tis Phione Wilniette 26 4 1 ALTN'%22lte PINIG011~cOAT ]Davis Furniture University Craftsmen 7210, 721-23 Main Street 58LT1410-tfc FINEÉ CUSTOM BUILt, FURNITURE SLIP COVERS. DRAPERIES> Compete Home Deeoratlng Service Unlverp'ty 6161 519-21 Hloward St. 58LTN20-4tp M.OKMANEXKP. UpHOLSTERINr. FURNITURE, REPAIRING 20 years on the North Shore Day. 779t 2005 M.%aple Ave, Evanston58L'rN22-4tp YOUR DONE IN UPHOLSTERING, home. Save % to, %. Recoveriflg, rewebbing. Box -springs remade. Best ref. Write A-102, Box 60, Wtlmette.,Illinols. 58LTN19-4tp NOTICES ______ Evanston Furni.treSo ,WILETTEB!CYrCIE & SPORT SHOP Compflete line hunting suppliesi. Tennis1 derackets restrUng. Free pick Uip & IIvery. WiI. 1404 807 Main St.* Veraino Bron. 14B-LTN224tP eAND BDUILDING EPAIU BICYCLE REPAIRINO 2?,LT-t Paint, Paper 5 Rmis., $34.50 CEILING CALC, $-')UP wallanitas and canvashig work. Rim. îned, $1 . bathroofil enarneled,1 paper painted, $6 up. 5 rmS. $5 up; ice Outstde washed, varnished, $8. nainting, porches, $15,. Windows, 75c,' Ref a. Free finish- doue reas. fturni.«heli. Mattertals f.tiflhtes. LT2-t 4LN2Ip NDMASO N CO'-%TRACTOR CEMNT ng,-. Waterproofiuig Basemerits qpeCialtz' Imtté 2618 1l714. .WNasblngton A ve. 15A-LTN19t CARL J3ENLiSTO-N CARPE~NTE& - AND BUIDER JOSEPH KNEIP [ý; V EOEE F~~ C LINED. I4EASONALE PRICES J. B. Andersen, 860 Pine Street Winnetka 3054Êtire. 221.TýN2*-ltI DRSSAKNOStucco LADIES' TAILORING Alterations of any kind. 822 Wrs. ilsnck('lencoe Hotlik22r:rN22-ltp 'AvielRY EXQISITE CUSTOM MAD Melvin Skolnik \Vil. 3413. 756c Béautiful 411and embroiderY adaplque'PAERCLEANED, aniewl 4 Rmperd Ciree-nleft only. appt. by Shown work. do floor 22LN22'4tP.washed 'and starched. $3. aiso 7984 pnint1ne witb ijure OtsMQe pfinlsbinw. _______ HernaflNelson ana Sunbeanicoal, pli, for girls 2-12.yeari. CEIL. CALC.,$,0U A -ROOM.' 439 eois WOULD L'NITY STUDENTS WH-1 like to meet other Unity students or adjustreceive assistance lu health or.3(632. nient problems,_call Winnetk-i ITN22-ltp PERSONAL anld Remnodeliflg Repairing WINNETKÂ 2480 Ing. Wi. Win 258 2-t service and gas furwices. Eng1neerlIng 15A-L1'N19-4tp and prlce. sheet mnetai work, at a reas. Cail CONDITIONED AIR SYSTEMS ROOFER,?ÂNT7 CARPENTER, University 27Î70 P.vE. St. rc work, aubstos siding, 1025 41 cemen t p 102 Dais23A-LTN20 eatlflg rpsilrinlg anidremodeltucce 4181. 2LT _________________________ Decorating Painting and AND EXTERIOR INTERIOR Best Material-Lowest Prices EstimateS. and samples &turnished. CO. G. H. MADISON -4.WEE COTW'ANTED-PARTY TO SHA-RE tage for winter in Daytona 13each, Fia., with teai-her. Most desirablP loc. 2 blks4LTN22-Itp-, beach. Wilmette 2060. ANTIQUES__ ___ Wil. Ternis. Nelsoli B. Place. 15A-LTN214tp WORK. ALL MASONRY AND BRICK a Specialty. Chimfleys and F;replaces OTTO J. OTTEN Kenilwoith 1307 625 Ecmoor ,Rd. 15A-LTN22-1ltp WORICMANSHIP FARM PUODUCE ugonm ¶1 ______________EXPERT Rogers Park 6100 ,S SLE AN'NU AL HA1RVES K SLE4,2TN21-4tJ flIk Wlmette 1056 CHITOPP'9S ANTIQUE SHOP, 1030 assortcago Ave., Evanston Unusual ant. glass, China, chairs, chests, tables. Wa%'nt. to buy-old glass, ch'nq. Ove. -- A . LT'r299ltp 15B-LTN19-26tP OIL SuWNEuma sl*VICE te 12: -30 a. m., 4to 7 P. M. Woodr Hubbard 900 Linden Ave. g to 12 a . M l n o 876 Vernoli Ave.Glne 9 tol12a. m. 24 LTNl22-ltc FOSTER NISTLE ALL BURNERS-AT ALL HOURS WILMETTE 278 )-t 15C-LTN2-4t ou. SIINSR!.. QIL BtTRNER SERVICE UNIVERSTTY 21 42LTN20GO4 USINO BY 'MONEY SAVE and our guaranteed woi mnaterial JUST THE KI-1D now is the time to biave y( LOW CASH PRICES.want. White bircîh: manship: and ize vou ny bldg. painted or inter. decorated. C 1 T Ty 'Mockus._71923 Kenton Ave.,£9 NUles. A. RENSCHIN PA!-,TI GPAP ANN INTERTOR DECORATING GRAI-,ING--.%ARBELIZING Any klnd of special, artlstic work jolica S-ýttee, vases, 5 cnairst, clock, chlais 2 Paisley 1une'ý' shawls, urn. table, whatnot, and 1brass coffee Lake 720 sale. qulck for Reason-ble LTN22-tc' Wilmette. Ave., BIRD______ DRY FIREPLACE, WOOD A CANARY CIRCUS IN YOUR OWN home. 85.95, . equ .Guir. to Per- TRAINED CANARIES Garo Rug CI CK CLIOCKS E antique Ch in Europe.' wiliICali. n N1159 Ai" UPic >ERTS, CHIME HALL trepalring. Leared'trade town. B3ack Oct. 26. t estirnate. David.Johanseeiand 3846. 20LTN18-1ZtP 38LTI SWE"TSI] treatrnieits, reduln snSe. cabinet bath&. Special introductor ,ent $1. 1715 Shermani Ave.F. m 38LZ Gre. -9193. Wunmette Ave. ~ VERNA NEWVTON - I 604 [PAIRING $ERVICE dios, vacuum ices. Free est. ERVICE îiversty 6680 I ster nt 53LTN21-4tp 311,22-ltp MNonday, Wednesday., Saturclav. 0F TEACIJER EDITH RAY YOUNG. PIANO AND HARMONY. Private instruction, children and adults. Curtis, Classes in groups of 2 to 6. Wil. 3651. 3ZILTN21-4tp