* itiJoe E. B3rown as the self- Li'ttle Rich Gtirl," tlic feature piétureè confident salesman. in the starring at tile Xilnettc theater this 'Thurs- screen, in his first picture, "The Skyl *mIe. 'Earthworm Tractors" wilI be dav. Friday, and Saturd'av. Parade," which plays this Friday andj the feature picture at -the Valencia .. \ith a supporting cast which iii- Saturday at the Columunity theateir. I theater this Friday and Saturday. Featured with Jilùmnie, Allen, becludes Alice .Fayé, , Gloria Stuart, A hilarious' comedy, the film lias Jack I-Ialev. and Michael Whalen, loved hero of millions of ra.dio fans, Joe rattling, along in! a .happy-ýgo- fie beloved Éhildhood.ciassiéc. )vEl- are,'a- host of screen favorites, niihackv wvay, as, he pilots his tractor t6 catior Gates forIns tbe basis of this chding .William Gargan, Katherine the evident distrcss of Guy Kibbee, charmning filmin in :which Miss Temple De Mille, Kent Taylor, Grant Withcrusty old' lumber dealer -and road is a panip)ered child ivho steals awa:ý, ers. Dean Jagger. Belinie Bartlett commissioner, the tetighest prospect froni her family and has a series of and' Billy :Lee, in seven states. Joe plays. havoc with exciting adventures. Deilght fuI. muBuit: around the role whicb1h«jima eity, ýruins an automobile, or two, Sic and dance routines mnake if a mie has maàde famnous, "The Sky Pa rade" :tells, in a swift su Ccession o gets engaged to two girls, -both of satisfving pcu 'e. Previcwérs are unanimous in their thriliing incidents, the inspiring stowhomi then jilt 'him, plays tag witli entliusjasnî for a. great, ranufacturing '"The Sins of Man," ry of .a man's trne conqùest of the. companvwhi'clî alternately hires annie i <irecte(l bY, Otto Brover and Greg-ý air; net fmerely learning to fly, but and proceeds to have a. whale of a orv' Ratoif. ,,vhich stars Jean lierý- the.more important angle of bringing good time, saiing àalqng on his good shoît. Don Ameche. and Allen Jen- such safety and sureness to' flying opinion of, himself-selling tractors. kins, a- humiai dramna advanciîig the that it could be transformed from a Taken from the beloved chîldhood .theorv that faith ini the Creator is stunt used.1m daredevils into thie classic by Fleanor Gates, "Poor Lit- above crecl and portraying a spienl- dependable, useful force which we I de eich Girl,"' starring' Shirley *e*i h Woven into the storv Whiolesonie Pictur. Temple, will be the feature picture An appeaîing story. credible porat the Valencia theater on Sunday trayaIs, and sympathetic direction. *anîd 'Monday. result ini a %vholesoine famnily picture. s-eyPampeired Child. of ',\an" wiil be showii S-'vplays the part of a pani- "The at the Sins Wilinîtte theater on Sundav pereu child, who steals awav fromn ber doting famnily, and gets into an and Mondav. An Anierican chorus girl, while exciting adventure. Delighitful Music stranded in L.ondon, becomies in-! and dlance routines make this a most volvèd' ini a 'vartimne roinance and satisfviiig picture. intrigue. That's the outlirîe of "Su-~ Gloria Stuvt Rohert Kent Fr1., Stc.16-17 Chester:M Fiay Wxray Ken and Oswald ln **The OjIly Murray Bird' Y- Ail New March of ,Time - Color Cartoon - News FeatUrO Stal*ts Friday 7:55-10:05 Feature Starts Saturday 2:0-OQ 4:05-5:55-8 :05-10:15 Sun, Mon., Tues~. Oct. 18-19-20ý Gene IRayond-min Soterm Coinedy - éClor Cartoon EaSY ACes lu "A Jobs a Job" Feature -Starts SundaY 2:40-4:306:20-8:10-10:00 .- Tuesaay 7 :50-9:40 Wed., Thurs., Fr1., Oct. 21-22-23 '"Grseen Pauus"R-ex Ingram and Cat of 8% Toplcts of the Day - Latest News 1Evente at the same tixne onle of f iejtenscly thrilling are the -celles of gripping, drainas. of the year, "Thej air raids, planîs in comb)at. andl the Devil Doîl," starring Lionel Barrv- spenid li9htography. more, Will-be shown at the Výalelcial "Postal ITocCtr&' will he thé atnext Tuesday and Wednesday. traction at the WUlmette theateon It's the storv of a banker, uîîjust- Friday and Saturday of next week. *ly sent to prison, m-ho, on the ex- Richard Cortez and Patricia Ellis piration of Ibis terni, leartis the se-_ are starred. cret of reducing real people to doil size. He thus revenges imnself, ini 15 FISHERMAN this fantastic fashion, upon those, In addition to his other-accomwho have ivronged himi. plishmients, John Howard, currentlv j. Mon. te Sat. ZS5c Eves.,_Sun. and Holiêys Thursdoy. Last Doy! BUS- PLANE TRAIN TICKETS 748 EIm Sfteet Tolephon. Winnot&a ~33 - Eus' RAcLa