CARONS FLEURS dJ. ROC CARONS EN AVION...... THIERÈ RAGE ........ COTY!S ASUMA.....SUS2 jSOU RJOIS. FLAMME .$ LELONG's IDSRT S Thes bae ~ci*e, o $5~nd$7.O àgg.!' They have the excelle it workmgnshiipà the fine Vi1nings, and nice fittings You fid i ihe pin bglZjper i. 1poaches, envetoes,' -top hjjandies, and-noveltysae i siny pat ntsisooth calfs, crepes' and gaadne.Dr shades >and- bright colors. Under Your Faster Dress.. A BARBIZON SLIP o! CrepeGartiere. A Barbizon slip its stnoothly, perfectly.. it wears and washes beautifully, always re- taining its soft silliness, its perfect fit!1 Shadow panel, adjustable straps, V tops and double back and front. Available in. three different Iengths ini white, blush, black, and navy. Ail sizes and, hall sizes." DQSIN: GLOVES$ Here% Easter fashion news!* Soft doeskin gloves-the. final1, per- f ect touch to y Our spring costumes. White in sies6 ,gund bright shadés too, but not iail sizes. BLOUSES Promn Our Main Floor Section. IEaster morning! i<e ail over lace, sheer pe- p gw rmanent finish organdies, broadcloths, novelty cot- tons, soit crepes and fancy acetates in ail the newest styles, and colors., Sizýs 34 te 40. r Phne I i~1 A ccessories, Street Floor -1 Floot